Blogs from Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, Europe - page 15


Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona May 2nd 2013

"This puppy aint moving tonight".My siesta turned out to be a "mucho siesta".Decided to have a quick easy dinner and a night watching Will Farrell speaking Spanish on TV ,quite entertaining. It definitely takes a few days to "settle" into the vibe of a city and knowing that Barcelona was playing a rival futbol team along with it being public holiday, we knew we'd be in for an all nighter of drunken alleyway shenanigans. Answer: a few relaxing beverages then insert earplugs and sleep :) ~ So not to be outdone by the thousands of waiting tourist's to see "Sagrada Familia" we made some enquiries and learnt that the best way to beat the crowd was to book an organized tour. As these types of "touristy" things are not really our cup of tea we reluctantly ... read more
Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona March 21st 2013

Cette année, j'ai eu l'occasion d'aller célébrer l'arrivée du printemps à Barcelone! Quelle ville magnifique! Je résidais dans une auberge tout près de la rue de la Rambla, une des rues les plus pleines de vie de la ville. Pour la première nuit, j'ai fait la rencontre de groupes d'Américains en échange à Dublin et à Copenhague et de Sud-Coréens en échange aux Pays-Bas qui venait tous fêter le "Spring Break" dans la grande ville de Catalogne. S'en est donc suivi une belle première soirée bien festive au Pub Crawl de l'auberge. Le lendemain, mon amie Caroline, travaillant deux mois à Paris pour sa maîtrise, est venue me rejoindre pour compléter le voyage. Nous avons donc été visiter le plus d'endroits possible de cette ville: le quartier juif, le quartier gothique, la playa, le port, la ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona December 14th 2012

Went into deep thought on the plane from Marrakech to Barcelona. I set about writing the following (word for word). Please enjoy it, its not serious :) It seems lazyness has got the better of me during my recent weeks in Marrakech... I have felt no desire to update my blog & so let those who care know what I've been up to. I would like to think of myself as a responsible person away from home in that I keep in touch with the people close to me, but in allowing myself to do/not do whatever I feel, it is clear/I have realised I do not see this as a priority. Honesty wins the day yet again! - Be honest with yourself via your thoughts and actions before considering the opinions of others. This might ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona October 13th 2012

My heart raced just a bit when he came at me, long knife extended in my direction. YIKES! We were in one of the large modern malls in Barcelona. Just like many North American shopping centres, it had Sephora and Pull & Bear and Tiffanys and a food court with Burger King, McDonalds, Starbucks and a dozen, maybe 15 other European chains to feed the masses. But the one place that had caught my eye over and over again from the moment we arrived in Barcelona was the meat shop in the centre of the walkway. It contained a foot-outward facing line-up of 15 or 20 cured pig legs, like semi-nude pin-up girls in the Follies Bergere, hooves included, each laying flat out horizontal on a vice to hold the gam steady. Each "Iberica" (Spain is ... read more
Will joins us for "Paella and Sangria Sunday?" in Barcelona
Dancing Fountains in front of the National Museum of Catalonia Art
Gaudi's Design

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona October 7th 2012

When we came to Barcelona, we fully expected a warm, celebratory airport greeting from Penelope Cruz and Scarlett Johannson, actors in the Woody Allen movie, "Vicky Cristina Barcelona". Didn't happen! They must have confused the flight numbers and stood at the wrong gate. Oh well...we have encountered a number of other famous people on the streets and in the metro, cafes and restaurants. John Cleese of Monty Python fame ate paella two tables away from us at a restaurant near the beaches... Jason Alexander (George on Seinfeld) rides the metro with us in the mornings...Salman Rushdie (Satanic Verses author) strolls past us each morning in front of the cafe where we take our cafe con leches before class. Sorry... lies all (we think), but it is fun to celebrity watch and pick out similar looking faces ... read more
Maureen Brown Noses with the Instructors

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona September 30th 2012

Well, it´s almost time for my feet and I to move on again. We have enjoyed losing ourselves and becoming re-acquainted with this old, very interesting and sophisticated city. I find being the oldest single female in a hostel full of younger people attracts many reactions; from curious looks, patronising expressions, smiles, friendliness and occasionally a door held open for me. The other day, one of the staff told me he admired my spirit! Every street has one or more authentic little cafe/bars with not a McDonald´s Burger in sight, just the locals doing as they´ve always done - eating Spanish food and catching up with friends and family. I do most of my eating in these places - the service is friendly and efficient with good coffee and food. Although Spanish authorities seem to be ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona September 30th 2012

Barcelona- Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona Hi, i am sure that you can find many tourist guides about Barcelona with detailed information about what to do and what to visit, but I always prefer to ask locals to discover the real secrets of Barcelona. The only way to know a place is to live there, and that's why I decided to move to Barcelona, one of my favorites cities in the world. I love to travel and discover all hidden corners, and I promise you that I will visit all the special places that Barcelona has to offer. Every week, I will post a new article ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona September 27th 2012

Arturo says "Ballet!...ballet!...ballet!" Well, actually, Arturo, one of our two daily Spanish teachers really says, "Vale!", but in espanol it sounds like "ballet". Our first day of classes, Arturo, a 31 year old, skinny, scruffy-bearded, good-natured chico said "Vale" at the end of just about each sentence. We had no idea what this meant. Never heard the word before. Finally, I couldn't resist asking. "What the heck are you saying Arturo?"...of course I asked in Spanish. Vale is the same as OK (but only in Spain, not other Spanish-speaking countries) he don't say OK, say Vale! Now I say Vale, Vale, Vale to Arturo as often as I can, and he gets an impish, mischievous grin on his face knowing I'm teasing him. Barcelona, as many know, is in t... read more
MAN ON THE FRINGE with his harem
PAELLA by the Mediterranean

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona September 25th 2012

The Barcelona Symphony Last night- our first (and on a holiday weekend) in this Spanish metropolis-we were serenaded by the Barcelona Symphony...every town and city has it's own unique soundtrack, it's musical background that amuses, tempts, frustrates, lulls, frazzles. The music of la noche...the low throbbing bass beat of a rock band floats from the monumental concrete Forum park across the way on the warm, humid, mediterranean beachfront...the slightly higher-pitched squeal of the steel wheels of the modern electric tram whizzing past..the humming buzz of the many scooters and small motorcycles that zip by, their sounds crescendo and decrescendo as they come and go. Alongside this constant background beat are the punctuations of the mainly male voices. Loud, somewhat inebriated sounding, but non-threatening, the... read more
Our newest and BEST friend!
SUNRISE from our kitchen window

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