My Feelings About Crazy Drunk Girls

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January 20th 2012
Published: January 20th 2012
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I haven’t really done anything interesting these last two days. I’ve just been getting adjusted to classes and to living in Seville. It’s starting to hit me that I’m going to be living here for the next few months. It’s now becoming less of a vacation and more like real life with having to go to class and study. The newness of the city is already starting to wear off.

I went running yesterday and discovered that running here is very pleasant. There is a lot to look at while running and you can take a million different paths so it never gets old. The only difficult thing is not getting lost. I tend to zone out when I run and not pay attention to where I’m going, so this could really be a problem for me. I have this app on my ipod that’s pretty cool; it keeps track of how long you’ve been running and how far. I love technology sometimes.

I guess there have been some issues lately with some of the other girls from our program getting crazy drunk a couple nights ago. Apparently one of the girls left her keys at home, got separated from her roommates, locked herself out of her phone and house and ended up sleeping outside her apartment building. I guess the police found her at 5 am and tried picking the lock so she could get in. Apparently she finally did get in and was hysterical and crying, and her señora called our program director right away. Our program director was not happy. There are maybe 8 or so girls in our program who think it’s super cool to get blackout drunk and ridiculous all the time. I’m honestly embarrassed by this. Yeah, I like to drink and have a good time too, but I don’t have to do it every night and I never need a babysitter, and I certainly don’t like babysitting other people. I can still be responsible even though I’ve been drinking. Spanish girls don’t really even get drunk here, so when Spaniards see those girls acting crazy and stupid because they’re drunk they know right away we’re American, and that’s why we have a bad reputation here for being loud, obnoxious drunkards. I guess I don’t really care what they do and it’s not really none of my business (although as an American I think they make me look bad), but I don’t see myself associating with them very much while I’m here. Maybe that sounds snooty, but whatever.

Other than that, not much else is new. I’m excited that tomorrow is Friday; it’s been a long week. The first week of classes always is.



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