Getting adjusted....

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Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada
January 12th 2005
Published: January 12th 2005
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Though we´ve only been here a week, Laura and I feel as though we already know the ropes! Well, not completely, but we´re learning quickly. A lot of things here are different: people don´t visit other people´s houses, if you want to meet a friend, you go to a pub. Cell phones don´t have plans, you put minutes on your phone and use it till it runs out: called selda. They eat a ton---very greasy food. Our señora makes us three meals a day, very filling and says we don´t eat enough even though we leave stuffed!! It´s a good thing we joined a gym....
Also, they don´t have central heating so though it is in the 60s during the day, the nights get cold (20s or 30s) and their houses are very chilly. To be comfortable, they turn on a heater they keep under the dinner table called uno brazero in the evenings when we are all sitting around. We pull a blanket up on our laps and enjoy the warmth! But I also must say we don´t eat supper until 9:30-10pm so we stay by the table until it´s time for bed or time to go out. One thing unique to Granada is everytime you order a drink (Coke, cerveza, sangria, etc.) you get free tapas, or appetizers that are so delicious! But, it takes time to get used to the fried food. But no complaints here about the breads and chocolates!
Our Spanish is improving immensely...we talk with our family, people in the streets, people at stores, bars, and restaurants and our classes are only in Spanish. Sometimes we need a break so we talk with american students, but it is good to immerse ourselves! But, our heads are full and it makes us more tired at the end of the day so we sleep a lot..luckily they take the siesta (the mid day nap) seriously. It´s hard to adjust to though because the entire town closes down from 2-5 so you can´t get anything done!
Overall, Spain is an amazing country with an intriguing culture....just don´t mention your president is George Bush! I made that mistake.... 😊 Adios for now--besos, jacque


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