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Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada
January 11th 2005
Published: January 11th 2005
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Oh my gosh....what an amazing country!! I am having the time of my life, it is so fun! Laura and I are living together and get along with our host family wonderfully. Today was our first day of class...we have intensive language for 3 weeks where we go 4 hours a day to learn more spanish, in spanish! My head is spinning... whew! But my profesors are the cooolest! They´re both over forty, but are so young at heart.
The night life here is crazy, things don´t open until 1 in the morning and are open all night long....we´re not expected to go home until 4 or 5 in the morning. But, they take siesta seriously, so we get a nap every afternoon after lunch.
We are already planning our trips for throughout the semester and we plan on going to ireland, greece, italy and france and portugal for the most part. Hopefully Africa if it gets safer. However, we have found a big group of people that also consists of guys to go, so we´d be fine. Pictures to come soon!!!! Miss ya´ll 😊 j


11th January 2005

It sounds like you're having a great time already! Hope that Spain and Europe hold great things for you! :), Mary Pat - Mary Pat

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