Blogs from Portugal, Europe - page 153


Europe » Portugal » Northern » Porto March 21st 2011

Concerto Promenade no Coliseu do Porto No passado dia 13 Março 2011 realizou-se, como estava agendado, um encontro constituído por 3 eventos: 1 Concerto Promenade no Coliseu do Porto 2 Almoço no Grande Hotel do Porto 3 Momento de poesia O Concerto consistiu na suite sinfónica Sherazade op. 35, de Rimsky-Korsakov (compositor russo que nasceu em Liubensk, perto de Sampetersbugo em 1844 e morreu em 1908). Foi interpretado pela Orquestra Sinfónica do ESMAE (Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo) sob a direcção do Maestro António Saiote. Os lugares foram bem escolhidos pois a audição era boa (o que não acontece em alguns outros sítios do Coliseu). A refeição decorreu no Grande Hotel do Porto o qual tem um ambiente acolhedor, uma decoração sóbria com um toque muito britânico. O almoço (buffet) foi ... read more
Momento de poesia
Orquestra Sinfónica do ESMAE
Concerto Promenade no Coliseu do Porto

Europe » Portugal » Azores » São Miguel » Ponta Delgada March 20th 2011

Yesterday we were in the Azores after almost a week at sea. We've had some pretty rough seas almost every day, with Force 7 - 9 winds, so the ship has been bouncing around quite a bit. Of course, this is to be expected since it is the North Atlantic and March. Ponta Delgada, Azores, was beautiful. From the moment we looked out the cabin window in the morning, it was obvious we were in a Portugese port. Every building was black and white. We had a tour in the morning which took us to the west end of the island where we saw the two lakes in the volcanic cauldron at Sete Cidades. Although it was a cloudy day, we were lucky that it was clear enough while we were there that we could admire ... read more
Church detail
Main Square
Our Waiters

Europe » Portugal » Central » Aveiro March 20th 2011

After the grand snooze, it was up and at 'em and on the road to Aveiro. This is another little fishing village that has lent itself to tourist pursuits. Aveiro is a city of canals and bridges, waters plied by colourful boats (barques) and home to salieneras. Salienaras are facilities where salt is extracted from ocean water and then turned into a vast variety of products, some for munching and some for scrubbing. Portuguese people have a great love of salt. It has been used since olden days to preserve cod and many varieties are produced for use on the table. There is the usual bleached white type, but also brown salts, salts flecked with black,grey salt and lovely coarse, chunky salts. When you begin to explore the world of salt, it can become something of ... read more
Photo 3
The Venice of Portugal

Europe » Portugal » Central » Aveiro March 20th 2011

Aveiro, what a city. After our boat tour we walked around the back street. I had been here years before, but this time I was seeing Aveiro throw Kevin's eye's so every thing was new. We walked down a small street and found I would say a fancy restaurant. They had a tourist menu which includes soup,entree that comes with rice potatoes,salad and what ever meat you want. Kevin had grilled steak with fried egg (portuguese eat eggs with almost every thing) rice, home made fries (no pre- frozen here) and salad plus wine, coffee and a dessert for 12 euros not bad right. And we got to enjoy this under on a very sunny afternoon. After lunch we went to the fish market which was constructed by non-other then Eiffel, yes the same one as ... read more
Photo 3
oh boy
Photo 5

Europe » Portugal » Alentejo » Évora March 20th 2011

Monday 21st February 2010 Back on the road, this time north east to Evora. A superb drive across country through cork oak groves, vineyards and orange orchards. Tuesday 22nd February 2010 Walk into Evora where we discover a film crew making a commercial for a supermarket. The boys are fascinated by the use of a story board to script the shoot. Walk around the old town of Evora visiting the Cathedral’s chapel of bones and the famous Roman Temple of Diana. Lunch in the main square followed by a visit to the archaeological museum and the office of the local wine producers where a tasting inevitably ensues. ... read more
Evora - film set
Chapel of Bones
Evora - Temple of Diana

Europe » Portugal » Central » Coimbra March 19th 2011

From Porto, we zip down the line and land in Mogofores station. It's time to spend some time with our friends the Verdades. The Familia Verdade live in a town called Avelas de Cima. No one could tell me how old the place was, but it's easy to see that the place is pretty darn old. After the bustle of Porto, Avelas de Cima was positively tranquil. People are old fashioned and extremely friendly. It could be the community ammenities, like the communal laundry pool (in use even in frigid March) and fountains (three, to be exact) that present excellent quality spring water to any who wish to take it. Sleepy cafes with sunny seats, orange and lemon trees left wild (producing abundantly even now) and a profusion of huge, naturalized canna lilies frame the rest ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 5
Photo 7

Europe » Portugal » Algarve » Tavira March 18th 2011

Tuesday 15th February 2010 Time to move on to Portugal today via Palos de Frontera. Palos is considered the "cradle of the Discovery of America" because from its port in 1492 the ships of Christopher Columbus and the Pinzon brothers set off to discover a shorter route to India and discovered the New World. On the evening of 3 August 1492, Columbus departed with three ships; the Santa María nicknamed Gallega (the Galician), and two smaller caravels the Pinta (the Painted) and the Santa Clara. On the morning of October 12th land was sighted and the rest is history. Today we find the old port and the Muelle de las Carabelas ("Dock of the Caravels") which has been faithfully reconstructed, with storage buildings, canteens and shops of various craftsmen. Particularly impressive are the exact replicas of ... read more
Caravel Replica
Camera Obscura
Tavira Bridge

Europe » Portugal » Northern » Porto March 18th 2011

My feeling toward the people of Europe is one of appreciation and affection. Everyone is kind and helpful. Were it not for the kind intervention of some unknown Samaritan in Brussels, we would have never FOUND our plane let alone catch it. Landing in Porto, the good feelings continued as we were accepted into the warm current of life in this vibrant and truly entertaining city. Again, strangers came forth to offer assistance (Maria hobbling about with her cane may have been some help in this regard...), unbidden but certainly appreciated. This is a real blue collar town. Folks here yell and gesture, they argue and kiss and generally strut around like a bunch of hormone-crazed teenagers. Workmen seem to be everywhere, knocking stuff flat and putting things up and patching things together.Buildings are ornate, but ... read more
Guia, Porto
Guia Porto

Europe » Portugal » Northern » Porto March 18th 2011

Well, well, here we are again. It’s been 4 days since our last blog, mostly because of one event that occurred last Thursday the 17th. But let us start at the beginning. As you know we have been in Porto enjoying this great city. We bought a 48hr tour pass on a double decker bus, a hop-on-hop off and visit what you want variety . There are three different routes. There is a Bridge tour, Castles tour and the Historical tour. For example In 1387, a marriage took place between João I and Philippa of Lancaster. They got married in the newly established city of Porto and this confirmed the military alliance between Portugal and England. After this union, the city began to thrive. And to a great extent,this is how the Henry the Navigator, third ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Alentejo » Santiago do Cacem March 18th 2011

Conil and the Algarve We are now enjoying the sun and rest of Monte Naturista do Barao where we have stopped a couple of years ago. This is the first real sunny and windless days we have had for a long time and it is lovely. We have arrived in time to join the weekly joint meal with everyone else on the site. It is very busy this time with three other Brit couples and lots of Dutch. Since Morocco, we have spent time in Conil de la Frontera from where we managed another cycle ride. We hope to cycle from here as well. After a few nights there where we had wifi in the van we moved along the Algarve to mixed weather and some changes to the possiblilities of wild camping in one or ... read more

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