Old town and the Polish White House

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Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw
October 13th 2007
Published: October 13th 2007
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Yesterday on my city tour of Warsaw I met a guy (Tommi) who works for the equivalency of our State Department but for Finland. I sat next to him because one, he had on Canada gloves, so I thought he would speak English and two because he looked about my age. As it turns out he was 28, but was from Filand, but did speak English! As we chatted throughout the tour he too wanted to see the nightlife in Poland. We made plans and went out. We were both a bit discouraged as we went from club to club. Because we spoke English we weren’t allowed in…they kept making excuses why we couldn’t get in. We got rejected at 3 clubs! Talk about killing my ego! I don’t think I have ever been told I couldn’t go in a club! Anyhow, in our last attempt for a club, we got lost and asked two girls (Ingvile and Svetlana) if they could help us! They grabbed our arms and said follow us! Thank goodness for them, because if we didn’t meet up with them, we would not have gotten into this club either. The club was very nice and we had a good time dancing to AMERICAN MUSIC! There is an oxymoron for you! Tommi, has invited me to Finland. he lives downtown in Helsinki. I may have to do northern Europe next time. Finland, Sweden, Norway.

Today, I went back to old town to do some more exploring. I am glad I spent more time here. Yesterday’s tour just didn’t fulfill my curiosity of the area. For those that don’t know, Poland and Warsaw specifically, is a very war torn country. The city itself has been pulverized numerous times (Germany, Russia). The Polish are resilient and have rebuilt their city each time. Poland is a great place if you love war history -there is lots of it!

It was a bit warmer than yesterday. In fact the sun even peaked its head out. I was beginning to wonder if there was a sun anymore. I haven’t seen sun since I left Redding!

I also visited the Polish White House today! Very impressive! You can get really close to the White House. It is much more intimate than ours. Military from each branch line the entry ways and roses line the driveways and adorn the façade of the building.

Few things I have learned in Poland thus far:
-The food is terrific. Not sure what I have been eating, but I like it and I am not going to ask! I don’t want to ruin my appetite. I do know I ate goat and goat cheese at one time.
-Barter and look for better prices. Because there is always someone willing to go cheaper.
-Take off your hat or hood when you enter a building.
-NEVER shake hands with a glove on! It is VERY rude. (FYI, this didn’t happen to me, I was a witness). But I do take off my gloves now!

I have been drinking so many good beers and eating such terrific food, I need to go to the gym. I have neglected my workout routine. So, as soon as I am done charging my iPod it is off to run a bit.

Tomorrow I think I plan to visit the Polish Prisons from WWII.


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Fighting for PolandFighting for Poland
Fighting for Poland

This symbol is everywhere in Poland. It means Fighting for Poland. You can find it at most buildings that have been bombed in the past.

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