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Europe » Italy
September 13th 2013
Published: September 16th 2013
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Question: "what are the current political/ government in Italy? Who has power, and how do those in power interact with their people?"

Article: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/it.html and http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/italy/index.html

Currently Italy has a republican government. Italy has had a constitution, which has been amended many times, since 1947. Italy’s legal system is called the civil law system. The civil law system is the judicial system under specific boundaries in the constitutional court. In the judicial court, the highest court is called the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court consists of fifteen judges. Italians are allowed to choose who represents then by voting. People who are of the age of 25 or more must vote, but people whom are 18 can vote. Recently, Italians have voted for a new prime minister.

The current president is called Giorgio Napolitano. He has been in service since the May of 2006. The current prime minister, who was elected the 17th of April of this year, is Prime Minister Enrico Letta. The prime minister is also referring to as the president of the council of ministers. However, although these people are elected into their positions by promising to improve lives, there are those whom become corrupt. For example, former prime minister Min Enricio. Min Enricio is now faced with four years in jail due to tax fraud. Due to the tax fraud Italy is now faced with money shortages. This means that the people of Italy can be denied or deduced some privileges that the government provides.


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