Florence Program Day 15

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Europe » Italy
September 9th 2008
Published: September 9th 2008
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Our group left around 9 this morning and headed to the Museum of Zoology and Natural History. It was the most interesting exhibit I have ever seen. There were stuffed and/or wax versions of nearly every animal specie. I saw stuffed lions, bears, crocodiles... everything. The last part of the exhibit featured anatomical wax models of the human body, which were made in the 1800s. Many of the items had been collected by the Medici family and were a part of their private collections.
After the museum, Dana, Casey, Kerry, and I headed back to the hostel to eat lunch. Then we decided to get our swimming suits on and head to the river to do some tanning. About an hour and a half later we headed to the central market to buy some dried fruit. At 3 we went to a free showing of a silent movie at the movie theatre. The theatre was really beautifully furnished, and the movie was the most bizarre flick I have ever seen. Then we headed to the Ponte Vecchio bridge so Dana could buy the ring she had put a deposit on last week. By 4:30 we were back at the hostel and spent the new few hours drawing and painting. I worked on a drawing a picture I had taken in Venice. I just took a shower and now I am waiting for our group dinner at 8. We are staying in and having Lasagna.


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