Oh Kevin

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Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome
April 12th 2006
Published: April 25th 2006
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We got to Rome and went to the hostel. I loved how our last two hostels were close to the train station so we could just walk there; we didn’t have to worry about transportation. We got to the place and it was called the Yellow. I had no idea what to expect. We walked in and the place was hopping. I don’t think anyone was sleeping. The lobby was full, people were on the computers, and the two guys at the desk were wide awake. I think they are from Australia or something. Not sure, but they had some nice accents! They checked us in, gave us our pin, and showed us to our room.

We went back downstairs to check out mail and when we came back we started to make our beds. We had two other roommates besides the one sleeping and no one told us. Apparently they had claimed the same two beds that Monica and I were trying to claim. I wasn’t paying attention when Australia put the sheets down, so I had no idea which beds already had sheets before we were there and which ones he put sheets on. So we started talking about that, but we were tired, so Monica and I just took the other two beds.

Let me just tell you that Monica doesn’t do bunk beds. You should have seen her try to get on the top bunk. She just about died! She had only ever used a ladder, so the whole swinging the leg over/ jumping in bed thing didn’t work out too well for her. I got in a good laugh though. She said she felt like she was in a gymnastics meet or something. Crazy girl. P.S. She had a chance to pay with her credit card but she didn’t want to pay the extra tax, so she used all the cash we had just given her at dinner. Tasha was not happy!

We love free breakfast, so we woke up for that. The guy at the door collecting tickets was dressed real nice. We spent breakfast trying to figure out where he was from and if he was cute or not. Side note: breakfast was amazing! We had all the hot drinks (tea, coffee, ect.), bread and croissants, butter and jam, fruit, cheese, yogurt, and cereal. I ate until my little heart was content.

As we were leaving we talked to the guy at the door. We found out that his name was Kevin. Monica had forgotten something, and as we waited for her, Kevin asked us if we knew Mary Jane. Tasha and I both said “no” Then he asked us if we liked her. Tasha didn’t sleep enough because she thought he was talking about someone famous or something. I knew he was talking about drugs the whole time. We said no and tried to leave. He asked us what we were doing later and invited us to go to the club. We said yeah because we had to go out at least once in Italy.

We went to the Vatican to see the Pope first. It was beautiful. We listened for a while, but it was warm and we didn’t feel like standing around any longer when we had no idea what was going on. We made out way to the Sistine Chapel. We thought the line would be shorter because everyone was watching the Pope. We were wrong. Tasha and I left Monica to see where the Museum was and how long we had to wait.

We got to the front and asked the guard if it was worth waiting in line. We thought it closed in 15 minutes, but it didn’t close for a couple more hours, so we went back to wait in line with Monica. She had already stood through half of it. It was moving really quick. Tasha couldn’t find her i.d. and it was half price with it, so she started warming up to the guy before we even got to the counter. Monica and I showed our I,d.’s and Tasha worked her magic and got the student discount.

We were about to start walking around when Nicole and Sarah called us. We waited for them to join us. The guard yelled at us for laying on the grass too! It’s grass. It’s not like I’m gonna hurt it or anything. But I guess they gotta keep it looking nice. So we walked around and ease-dropped on various tour groups to learn some random facts and stories. Everything inside was beautiful. I wish camera’s could capture everything the eye could see. Amazing stuff.

We took the metro and continued to sightsee. We ate pizza and gelato while Monica continued to search for a place to cash her money order. We waited on the Spanish steps and she finally came back with money! Hallelujah! We were on our way to the Fountain when we saw a grocery story. We were already starting to go broke, so we had decided to cook dinner. We went in and had no idea what we wanted to buy. We looked around for a while and chose to have chicken and pasta for dinner. We couldn’t remember if we had an oven or not, so we just got pre-made chicken wings. Then we asked the girls working in the pasta/rice section which flavor we should get and what kind of sauce. Communication was a little problem, but those universal signs like smiles and thumbs up work really well.

I needed lotion and toothpaste so I went and got that. I really wanted juice as well, but when I tied to grab it, my lotion fell. It opened and spilled everywhere. I didn’t know what to do, so I just closed the cap, wiped off the bottle, and got a new one! The people working there just walked right over it and didn’t clean it up until like ten minutes later. My bad!
Monica got some kind of meat to make a sandwich, and when we got to the fountain, she chomped that thing down! I will never forget her chewing that thing up. Classic moment in history. We walked around until 6:30 and then went back to the hostel. Nicole went out to dinner by herself, but the rest of us were gonna eat at 7:30. Monica, Tasha, and I fell asleep! I was supposed to meet Sarah downstairs and missed that appointment.

We got everything figured out and went to the kitchen to make our dinner. The kitchen was empty, so we used everything! We cooked rice on one burner, pasta on the other, and then we warmed up or chicken on another. We owned that kitchen! Kevin came in and saw us cooking. We asked him to read the directions and instead he thought he’d be cool and pretend he could cook. He ruined our rice! He also told us he would come and pick us up at 12. He went home to go and look good for us ladies. Please!

So we cooked our dinner and it was delicious….and cheap and enough! All the plates in Italy are really expensive and the portions are really small. It was a good change to leave the table full. After dinner we were supposed to start getting ready, but we were too lazy. Lavoie and I went back to the room. She is so funny. For some odd reason there was an umbrella stuck in the rungs on the bunk bed and she used it to turn off the lights! Tasha and Monica came in later and we fell asleep.

I got restless and told the girls we were going out. We had been going back and forth on the idea, but I was bored so I told them we were getting ready. Midnight came and Kevin was there waiting for us. Too bad we were still in our pajamas! Oh man, we had to get ready fast. Of course we still looked cute, but not as cute as we could’ve.

When we got downstairs we were expecting Kevin to have some kind of passé, but instead there was just one guy who he had just met. We found out later that the other kid was named Andrew and he was a white, South African. Kevin tried to take us to one club and it was closed. Then he tried to take us to another club, but his friend didn’t work there anymore. So then he made a phone call and took us to another club. This other club was a good ten or fifteen minutes away, so we had to take a taxi. We thought we’d be nice and offer to help pay. We passed a lot of clubs on the way to our destination that looked pretty hott. But Kevin told us that he was on the list, so we went with him.

I guess things are different in Spain than in Italy. When a guy takes you out in Spain, he pays for everything, and if you are on the list, you get in for free. There wasn’t even a line outside, so I doubt we would have had a problem getting in. Once we got in, Kevin told us we had to pay for the first drink. Excuse me? The three of us barely ever drink and we had to pay ten bucks (Tasha got a coke, I tried some new drink and left it on the table cuz I didn’t like it, and Monica was the only one who got her ten euro worth)! So with the taxi and entrance, we had already spent three dollars. Tasha literally had no money left and Monica was broke too.

So we’re finally in the club and Kevin and Andrew ask us to hold their drink while they go smoke a cigarette. I don’t know what they were doing, but they were out there for twenty minutes. We barely knew this kid and he was pissing us off. He made us spend 13 euro(I’ve never spent a dime when I went out in Spain), he made us hold his drink, and then he made us wait around for him. We made a vow to ourselves that Kevin wasn’t going to dance with any of us, we were going to get our 13 euro worth, and we were going to have all the guys at the club staring at us. We achieved all of our goals!

Kevin and Andrew came back in and us ladies made our way to the dance floor. When they finally played some good music, we started wiling out. We gave the guys the look and shook our stuff like there was no tomorrow. We got a couple stalkers and danced the night away. Andrew was cool and danced with us every once in a while, but Kevin didn’t talk to us the whole time and barely even danced.

We told Kevin we didn’t have any more money left, so he offered to pay for our ride back home. While we were waiting for the taxi to come and pick us up, we were trying to get to know the boys. Andrew was really talkative, but Kevin had no personality. Tasha said he was Kevin on a stick. I asked him why he wasn’t dancing and you know what that kid said to me? He said, “I don’t dance anymore. I just go to look good.” Then he started talking about how he was almost a superstar. This kid has lost his mind! He raps or something and said that he was going to be performing at the World Cup in Germany this year. I’ll believe that when I see it. Our taxi finally game and took us home. Kevin thought he’d be cool and flash a 50 in front of us, but then ask for three euro. I wanted to hit him in the face. The whole way home he was talking trash about Americans and then as we got out he said American girls are cheap and never have any money. No more words for him. We told Andrew we were going to wake him up to go to the coliseum tomorrow and then we went to bed.


6th May 2006

I remember you
I remember you. And for fucks sake guys dont have to pay for everything. - Yellow hostel staff member.

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