Blogs from Northwest, Iceland, Europe - page 9


Europe » Iceland » Northwest August 20th 2008

Today was incredible. After a stay at an unusual hotel which looked a bit like a prisoner of war camp we left in 5 degrees of cold. (The hotel was one of the boarding schools which exist in Iceland. Luckily we were staying in the modern bit as the old building looked dreadful. However, not to judge a book by its cover the dreadful building housed an elegant dining room where we had a delicious supper of peppered pork. ) In the morning we headed towards the most powerful waterfall in Europe...Dettifoss! The journey to get there took us over high peaks again with baren lunar looking landscapes. The road to Dettifoss was narrow and made of gravel. We stopped at a small farmstead up in the middle of nowhere. How these farmers live throughout the ... read more
Lunar landscapes
The sweetest petrol station in Iceland!

Europe » Iceland » Northwest August 19th 2008

Midnight Arrival It was a murky, misty arrival close to midnight. Out of the window, there had been solid cloud all the way, and now we were treated to our first real glimpse of Iceland - bare rock, lava and mist. My first thoughts were: how do people scratch a living off this? In fact, what were we doing flying from one damp island off the Atlantic to another more northerly one, situated at the edge of human habitation? Well, visiting the Vikings of course, our good friends Rosa and Erling from Iceland, who had lived in Leeds for several years and we finally had taken up the offer of visiting them. We landed at Keflavik airport, and we were met there by Erling who drove us to their flat in Reykjavik. We coursed on ... read more
The Island
Eider Ducks
Driftwood and angelica

Europe » Iceland » Northwest » Ísafjördur August 7th 2008

Avui és dijous, dia 7 d'agost, i és el sisé dia de viatge. Aquests dos últims dies hem estat a la zona est de l'illa. A partir de dema ens dirigirem cap a la zona nord, la qual, a priori, sembla ser una de les zones més interessants de l'illa. El paissatge continua essent espectacular, i el temps sembla que millora poc a poc, tot i que les temperatures continuen sent més baixes del previst. El que continua sent un misteri és la poca vida que transmeten els pobles de l'illa. Són pobles inospits, i en els que practicament no es veu gent pel carrer, i on, fins i tot, és difícil trobar un lloc per poder prendre un café. Tot i aixo, el viatge continua sent molt complert. I aixo que encara ens queden tres ... read more
Cascada de Hengisfoss

Europe » Iceland » Northwest » Ísafjördur July 28th 2008

Ker sva imeli v Husaviku ravno zastonj net, sva seveda izkoristili se zastonj klicarjenje in se pozanimali vse o trajektu in busih za Westmanski otok, pa se en guesthouse tam sva si rezervirali. Dobili sva zadnji dve lezisci, baje, kajti potem bo vse vse polno zaradi nekega festivala. Ti Islandci so kot Slovenci, vsaka rupa ima nek svoj festivalcic, tudi vceraj v Husaviku, ko sva prisli, je bilo celo mesto okrancljano z oranznimi in zelenimi ornamentki, in izkazalo se je, da gre za "eat a lot" festival oz. praznik sladkarij!! Svasta. Do Akureyrija sva potrebovali uro petnajst. Sparkirali sva se in ugotovili sistem: imeti moras uro, na kateri oznacis prihod, potem pa lahko (odvisno od mesta) tam ostanes dve uri, eno uro ali petnajst minut - vse zastonj. Samo uro moras imeti, zato sva jo sli ... read more
Hot tub guesthouse!

Europe » Iceland » Northwest June 16th 2008

Iceland is now our favorite location on the face of this earth. Let me give you just a brief glimpse of this incredible country: 24 hours of sunlight, glaciers, waterfalls, volcanoes, calderas, mountains, rivers, fjords, geysers, icebergs, swimming pools, hot springs, light houses, gravel roads, single lane bridges, reindeer, sheep (yes Ray—Sheep), Icelandic horses, humpback whales, seals, puffins, etc… Lynne and I are presently sitting in a hostel in a small town in northwest Iceland. Grundarfjorour—situated in a fjord on the Snaefellsnes peninsula. We decided to stay here after meeting our new friend, Ilari, while we were in Reykjavik. Ilari is one of the two staff members at this hostel. While chatting with him in Reykavik, he invited us to come visit with him, so we took him up on it. The town is really a ... read more
Here we are
Lynne Studies Bus Map

Europe » Iceland » Northwest June 7th 2008

Dear Friends, We have arrived safely in Iceland and are trying to get into the groove of traveling together as a family and adjusting to life in a new country. As you can imagine, our final preparations to leave for three months and the emotional pressures of such a big trip hit us hard--especially after only a few hours of sleep on the plane and the four-hour time change. Thankfully, our first stop was to visit the world-famous geothermal hot springs called the Blue Lagoon just as soon as we got off the plane. As you can see from the photo, it is the most surreal blue water at just the perfect temperture to soak the day away with caves, waterfalls, and silica 'mud' to treat your skin. The weather has been windy, rainy, and overcast ... read more
Volcanic Crater
Sheep Everywhere
Long Drop

Europe » Iceland » Northwest » Ísafjördur January 18th 2003

I once spent three months farming sheep in Iceland. It was a bit of a drunken mistake applying for the job in the first place. Well, I say that but I can’t actually remember. Maybe it was a very carefully considered decision I made. I’d seen an Icelandic band play in a pub on the Saturday night and had gone home and checked them out online. From their site I found another and then another and eventually ended up applying for a job as a sheep farmer. So the farmer contacted me on the Monday, asked me if I could start on the Friday, I quit my job on the Tuesday and flew out on the Thursday. I stayed on the farm with the farmer and his wife but I had my own cottage out the ... read more

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