Blogs from Budapest, Central Hungary, Hungary, Europe - page 111


Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest August 13th 2006

Hi all, Have been in Eastern Europe for the past few days, travelling everyday to a new destination so have not had any opportunity to write. After leaving Turkey we headed to Bulgaria. The hotel here was actually very nice, we were a little unsure of what to expect when we were driving past houses where the roof was collapsing but it wasn't too bad. We discovered some of the cheapest beer in Europe. We spent about 7 euro on 9 500ml beers. Very good. Went down with some of the tour group before dinner for the drinks then after dinner walked along the beach with Gina. They actually have bars on the sand. Even though it was a Tuesday night there were many people around. From there we move onto Romania where we had another ... read more
Toilet paper mummy
River Cruise

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest August 13th 2006

I don´t have long, but just a quick message for the family and such. Prague was amazing, such a beautiful city where everything is so ridiculously cheap.. we had the best apartment room for such a cheap price. Best bits: Old Town National Gallery Charles Bridge Buda and pest was everything and more.. the festival we went to "Sziget" was on a small island in the middle of the Danube river. Radiohead were perfect. Anybody seeing them at V festival, enjoy it. We met a lot of lovely people and stayed inside the castle walls! This morning we went to the Gellert Hotel Baths.. it was.. different. Lots of naked Hungarian women.. lots of roley naked women... but apparently the waters are meant to be "healing", i had a hang over, it played no effect on ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest August 8th 2006

Have had a brief one night stop in Budapest after 2 nights in Lake Balaton where there was only bad weather. I did however get to sample some delicious hungarian. A lentil dish with veal stew that was so yum and hearty. At balaton we went on a big adventure to get ingrediants to make pancakes but when we got back and id made the mixture, the hotplate decided to die. So I went searching and found a bbq type thing, where with the help of the Hungarian gardener who chopped me some kindling, I made a fire. The pancakes were delicious but the pan suffered a bit in the process! Budapest is beautiful and I managed to walk and see quite alot in the brief time I was here. Really enjoyed the castle in the ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest August 6th 2006

Budapest is a very unique place. Surrounded by slovic countries, Hungary exists as a sort of cultural island in eastern europe. You immediately notice this when you arrive somewhere and they immediately announce. "See ya." At first I was at a loss. I had not done my homework before coming and did not even know one word in Hungarian. Bad tourist! Bad! I quickly learned that everyone wasn't trying to hurry me out of their country... but instead "see ya" is a friendly Hungarian 'hello' (spelled 'seeo.') Love it. I find being here is like playing Opposite Day when you were a kid. Except here it doesn't get old and annoying. And so I have to say I was rather charmed upon arriving, by the language, the beautiful architecture (it is called the Paris of the ... read more
Magyar leaders
Szt Istvan Bazilka
square of Szt. Istvan Bazilka

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest August 1st 2006

we left venice at 9 to take the overnight train to budapest, and it was very interesting!! karla got yelled at by the train ticket man at 3 in the morning in broken slovakian for about 10 minuts it was not fun. the people at the train station in venice told us that we could take the train to budapest going through slovakia with no charge (because the europas that karla has does not work in slovakia if you get on and off but was suposed to work just passsing through) BUT that was a blatient lie!!! we found out it was a lie when we were shaken awake at 3 am and demanded for our tickets, and then he made kar pay 30 euros for the hour ride passsing through slavakia .... it was shit!! ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest July 29th 2006

The only way to get to Budapest from Krakow was to take the overnight train (11 hours in total). It only looked 6 hours on map but alas, it was not so. Knowing how grizzly I was after our last Polish train trip it was decided that we would get the overnight train with a sleeping compartment. Ha! First mistake - calling it a sleeping compartment. The only lucky thing was we didnt have to share it with two strange undesirables (I just had to share it with 1 very excitable 31 year old who was acting like a 13year old!) Being a touch on the tired side when we borded at 10.30 pm (no late nights for me during the hot weather) I thought it would be a good idea to get a few hours ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest July 27th 2006

早上去左睇巴力頓湖,係全歐洲最大o既湖。大到佢丫...你唔會望到邊界,好似一個無邊無際o既大海,唔怪得有「匈牙利之海」之稱!之後去布達佩斯。去到布達佩斯有一個當地導遊帶我地行,佢真係正如我地o既導遊所講,好似mr bean!救命呀真係好似!連講野都似,一舊舊咁唔知佢講乜。先去英雄廣場,再去漁人城堡。漁人城堡建於城堡山上,望番落去個景極正。之後上蓋列特山,o個度望落去仲靚!兩度都望到多瑙河,又不禁諗起約翰施特勞斯創作'藍色的多瑙河'o既故事。呢日o既晚餐好好,係匈牙利民族歌舞晚宴。哇,拉小提琴o既o個個人,好勁...羨慕死我啦。可能係最後兩晚o既關係,大家都玩得好癲,我地有一位團友仲走上台跳舞、劈酒!嗯,好開心,但熱鬧過後,番酒店時又難免寂寞。呢一晚有趣事,就係因為太夜,司機睇唔到路牌,蕩失路!搞左差唔多一個鐘先揾到酒店!有個團友話「咪當送多個夜遊lor!」 哈哈,即刻笑番。... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest July 25th 2006

Just when I was starting to love train travel it all fell apart…….but then I also entered Eastern Europe. Co-incidence? The train into Vienna was an hour late arriving (apparently the one before was over two hours late, so maybe I should be thankful)…….. but then the 2.5 hour tip took over 6 hours to complete. We sat at one station for over an hour and a half, and also went back in the direction we’d come from at one stage. Not good. Add to this an air-conditioning system that was almost non-existent (just what you expect in first class), some obvious arguing between officials at different stops, and the company of some particularly loud Americans in my carriage, and you may get a sense of what it was like. I knew I was in for ... read more
Fishermen's Bastion
Residential Building

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest July 24th 2006

Hello everyone We are now in day four of our five day stint in Budapest. It is a great city. Quite different from Prague, in that you can tell it has a life outside of being a tourist destination. In fact, unlike Prague, you can tell that you, as a tourist, are in the minority. Consequently, it is a much more rewarding place to visit, as you are actually exposed to a bit of culture on the way. The heat is oppressive. Apparently it's the biggest heatwave continental europe has had in decades. And you can tell. Luckily, Budapest is well supplied with fountains where you can dip your feet in the water, swimming baths etc. That said, it's still pretty hard on us kiwis, fresh from the coldest winter in decades. Anyway, enough whinging. The ... read more
Statue Park
Meanwhile... back in Prague

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