Great wedding

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Europe » Germany
August 21st 2005
Published: August 21st 2005
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Wow that was a cool wedding. It started in the church a 2pm and there where things planned until 2am including fireworks. There is so much to tell about it I won,t start now as I am in the airport and the plane boards in 20 min. The lounges here in Germany for Luftunsa are great with free internet pcs.

I am flying to Barcalona to do whatever and then off to Istanbul the 25th. I am staying with a friend of someone I meet at the wedding party so hopefully not too bad on the pocket book and another chance to swim in the sea. It has been raining here a lot so it will also be nice to get back to the heat.

I still don,t have a plan for Asia, but I am sure something will come up. North Vietnam is looking good.



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