Blogs from Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France, Europe - page 13


Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur August 15th 2018

Nous y voici en Camargue... Un rêve de venir voir les flamants roses de plus près... mais avant cela un petit séjour de repos aux Saintes Marie de la Mer pour nous reposer de ce long périple jusqu'à aujourd'hui et surtout profiter de ce soleil éclatant qui continue à faire notre bonheur... Certains disent "il fait chaud..." nous ont dit "il fait bon"... car qui sait ce que nous réserveront les prochaines semaines.... ? Le village des Saintes Maries de la Mer, terre d'accueil, de tradition et de pèlerinage, est construit entre ciel et mer, là où le Rhône embrasse la Méditerranée.Site de légende, son rivage acc... read more
des ronds points parfois charmeurs, parfois amusant !
c'est la mer !
protection de la nature

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur July 25th 2018

Provence - one of our favorite places in Europe, and it was the end of May, our favorite time in Europe. The flowers would be blooming, so Pete suggested we come here. The lavender doesn’t bloom until July, but even without the fields of blooming lavender, other flowers can be seen in the yards, in windowboxes, above the doors, and growing along the stone walls. So beautiful, and colorful! There are always new things to see, places to go, areas to focus on in Provence. Provence was a “province” of the Roman Empire 2,000 years ago; if you like history, you can visit the many Roman amphitheaters, artifacts and aqueducts as you travel around the area. Some Roman amphitheaters still hold performances; we saw an orchestral performance in the Orange theater in the past (spoiler alert: ... read more

Just a few photos of Switzerland and Provence. More to come later.... read more
Appenzell area
Alpstein-view from Pete’s hike
Alpstein-view from Pete’s hike

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Bandol June 27th 2018

On Sunday we arrived in Bandol, France, a small city on the coast of the Mediterranean known mainly for it’s wine. We decided to forgo a formal tour and tour the city on our own. It is a very small town with mostly shopping and restaurants right on the ocean. After looking around a little, we settled into a sea side bistro. We ordered a local wine and a beautiful pot of mussels, and we were really surprised at the quality of the wine. Very soft and flavorful. Had to take a picture of the bottle to see if I can order some back in the states. Monday we moved into Spain, to Palamos, another small city on the coast. We had previously signed up for a bicycle tour which promised we would cycle by beaches ... read more
Bandol, France
Fine wine
Ready to ride

Monday was pleasant in an everyday sort of way. We needed petrol, and even that is an event in a strange town in another language (I listened to Peter trying valiantly to maintain some small talk while the guy filled the car), and then headed for Les Baux again to get the lowdown for the life drawing class that Peter will join this week. Just parking in a different spot gave us a whole set of new views and the discovery of a pilgrim path. More selfies and panos! We set off on the few kilometres down the road to check where the class would be held, and ended up in yet another picturesque town called Maussane Les Alpilles. In contrast to many of the ancient villages, it has been opened up, renovated and made more ... read more
So close to the flamingos!
Foraging and sleeping on one leg
And more!

For the next week we stayed at a beautiful Villa about 45 minutes from Avignon that we shared with 4 other couples/friends from Canada. The Provence area is one of the most scenic and beautiful parts of France and our group took full advantage of many interesting sites the area had to offer. On a couple of nights, we enjoyed private gourmet meals prepared for us at the Villa by local expert Chefs. Needless to say the meal, enhanced by the wine of the region, the country setting of the Villa and being able to share the experince with good friends, were all the ingredients of magical evenings. The facility was fully equipped, therefore, it also gave everyone time to socialize while preparing a few meals on our own. Most of our group have scattered upon ... read more
Dinner at the Villa with our friends
Archaeological site at Glanum
Palais de Popes Avignon

Sometimes sightseeing goes differently from the sunny, postcard sort of picture in your mind's eye... Sunday morning we opted to stay in and listened to the new Hillsong album and then an excellent John Dickson message he gave at Wheaton College. Feeling edified and rested we decided to take a trip to a well known town only half an hour from here called L'Isle-Sur-la-Sorgue. Sunday is its huge market day, but these generally close down around lunch time so we thought we would be able to park -the constant challenge- and enjoy wandering beside its waterways and famous water wheels, find some lunch and enjoy the local colour. That was the plan. It was another beautiful drive. By putting in the ‘no tolls’ on our maps, we end up on some amazing back routes, down tiny ... read more
Aesculapian snake
The canals of L'Isle -idyllic at first
Canals mean bridges

It's been good to be in on the road again after the small glitch in the last entry! Everything seems even sweeter, the poppies redder, the vines greener and even the Provençal sky is back to its almost unnatural cerulean blue after uncharacteristic storms. I had to face the possibility in the Avignon hospital that our trip could be in jeopardy, so the quick diagnosis and treatment was a huge relief. My heart rate came down slowly from around 120 and was back to 60 today, and had reverted to sinus rhythm. It might not have responded so quickly, so I am thankful. Our couple of down days had also been very wet. Our mate Sami says that , “Jamais, jamais, jamais” Never, never, never has it been so wet in late spring. Ah well, we ... read more
Sun hats off, raincoats on!
One of the widest arches built in the aqueducts
Les Alpilles and return of blue skies

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Èze June 1st 2018

My other-half booked a “Trichlore” trip. The aim was to visit three countries over the course of one short weekend. Based in Nice, we would have excursions along the coast using the excellent rail network. We would visit Eze in France, Monte Carlo in Monaco and Ventimillia in Italy. It was a trip of surprising contrasts and where equally striking comparisons were to be made. After spending the previous day exploring Nice, we set out towards the station primed after a leisurely breakfast; a veritable carbohydrate-fest of bread and croissant from a local cafe. It’s a short hop from Nice to the railway station at Eze sur Mer. The picturesque village of Eze lies upwards from the station around 2 kilometers away. A little plaque on the north exit of the railway station points the way. ... read more

This post is going up in the interest of transparency - I feel a little reluctant, but it's a good story... Avignon was on our list of day trips from St Remy, and we got there, but not to see any places we had planned - we ended up in the emergency department of the Centre Hospitalier. The night before we decided to look at all our research on the places we wanted to see and to spread the expeditions out on our calendar for the two weeks remaining here in St Remy. The more we see, the more Peter has to paint so the experiences are piling up, and some of it has been unplanned, so we wanted to be sure we dont miss anything. We decided to go to Pont du Gard, the Roman ... read more
Well monitored
Breakfast - a bread roll and bowl of coffee
Checking all my meds against the French meds

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