Euro Cup and Prague

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July 1st 2008
Published: July 1st 2008
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Wien to Praha

Ernst Hoppel Stadium and San Jorde Hostel

I made it to Prague after one crazy night of soccer. My abitions were realized and I successfully bought a ticket from a fairly shady scalper outside of Ernst Happel Stadium. Fortune smiled upon me and the ticket was in a Spanish section of the stadium. The atmosphere was unreal as Spain laid claim to the Euro Cup, and I chanted and danced with my fellow fans. An easy four hour train ride the next afternoon took me onto Prague, where I checked into the hostel I had booked the day before. It turns out that the hostel posted the listing like hours before I found it and they are still setting things up. The washers and dryers were delivered this morning, and many of the rooms aren't furnished yet. I am going to go with Rodrigo in a little bit to help him buy a barbeque grill for the little courtyard out back so we can grill tonight for Canada Day (there are like seven or eight people not just from Canada but all from Vancouver, strange!).

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Spanish FansSpanish Fans
Spanish Fans

Some one lit some fireworks in the stands celebrating

2nd July 2008

So Cool, Grant! That is amazing that you got to be there for Espana! Hey, while you are in Prague see if you can find a bagel shop named Bohemia Bagels and make sure you check (czech:)) out the old Jewish quarter. Enjoy the Czech Republic!

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