A shite day of travel to arrive in cool Belgium

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Europe » Belgium
December 21st 2009
Published: December 21st 2009
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Yesterday was all travellig, Claudia and I left her place at 7:30am and spent 14.5 hours travelling. Normally I'm fairly certain that it doesn't take that long but the plane couldn't land in Brussels Cherloroi so we had to land in Frankfurt Hahn. We the had to take a 5 hour bus to Brussels and on the way I had my first experience peeing in the snow. Definitely worth the 5 hour bus ride.
After arriving at Brussels Cherloroi airport we had to take a shuttle bus to Brussels train station, then a train to Antwerp then a train to Noordekempen. Antwerp train station is possibly the nicest train station I've been in.
After arriving at Noordakempen we got picked up by Marjolein and her mum and went to their home in Minederhout, which is a really nice place and they're a heaps cool family.

We had a really nice warm meal and I got to have some really nice beers. I had Duvel, Leffe and another one that's brewed by monks, which I think was a Christmas edition of the beer.

Today we had a walk in a nearby forest, Wotrtel Kolonie, which was really awesome. Apparently Belgium doesn't get much snow so we were really lucky to see it with so much. The forest walk finished with a hot chocolate at a cafe, and I foud out that cafe here actually means bar or pub.

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