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Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region
August 3rd 2010
Published: August 14th 2010
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After a short train ride from Paris, I arrived in Brussels to meet up with Debbie, a friend of mine. We spent 3 days in and around Brussels. The weather was overcast however we still enjoyed our time. On the first day we walked around Brussels and checked out the old part of the city. Our time was spent walking through cobble stoned streets, checking out the hundreds of chocolate shops and eating delightful waffles. The highlight of my trip to Brussels was the day trip we did to Bruges, a small little town about an hour from Brussels. Once again we walked around the old town and explored the sights. It was a gorgeous little place with hundreds of horse drawn carts, beautiful little canals and many old buildings and cobble stoned streets. My time in Belgium was over quickly, but as well as taking with me good memories of a beautiful place,I also left with a stash of Belgium chocolate and lollipops. Yum!


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