Blogs from Saint Lucia, Central America Caribbean - page 2


Yesterday, after the hospital, I went with the boys and the girls from Leeds to Marigot Bay. The weather wasn't great and it was quite windy. So we decided to play frisbee in the sea. It was a lot of fun, but because of the wind, it was very hard to aim the frisbee. At one point, I tried to throw the frisbee to one of the girls, but it got caught in the wind and headed straight for some rocks, where it hit a crab and sent him flying. It was a very very good shot if I had been aiming for the crab. I felt so bad, but when we went to get the frisbee, I saw the crab climb back out of the water onto the rocks, where he then hid much deeper ... read more

So close to the end now! This weekend was my last weekend in St Lucia. On Saturday the girls and I just spent a day at Reduit beach. I spent a lot of time in the sea, and a lot of time napping in the sun. I'm definitely going to miss the beach when I'm home. Unfortunately, I managed to sun burn just my ankles. I went into the sea first, and when I came out to the sun lounger, my feet and ankles were covered in sand. I put suncream everywhere, except where the sand was stuck. I thought I'd wait for it to dry and then brush it off, then put suncream on. But then I fell asleep, and when I woke up half an hour later, the sand had fallen off and my ... read more

It's my last full week here, time has definitely flown by. Just trying to catch up with a few touristy things before I go next week. On Tuesday, it's 2-4-1 drinks at a bar in Rodney Bay, so we all went there - me, the girls, the boys and some new medical students from Cambridge and Leeds. We had a great time and had quite a few daquiris. We even made it onto the bar's instagram page, because the waitress took a photo of us. Today, we went on a boat cruise. Some of Errol's family were having a family reunion, and as part of it, a lot of them went on this boat cruise. They were really nice and said Errol and I could come along as well. So we sailed down to Soufriere, went ... read more

Only 2 weeks left! I'm actually really looking forward to going home. 8 weeks is a long time. There haven't been that many exciting cases in the hospital this week, and no really exciting news. Friday the girls and I went to the Gros Islet street party, but we only really went there for the food. We had our lovely BBQ grilled fish, had some drinks on the beach, and then went home. Yesterday, we spent the day at Windjammers resort. I got even more tanned and swam a lot. There was a big inflatable trampoline in the sea, so I swam out to that and climbed on for a bit. Alex and Liv didn't want to because it was quite far out, quite deep and there was a lot of seaweed out there. It was ... read more

So today we went to Pigeon Island. It was really hot and sunny, and probably the best day weather wise we've had since we've been here. It's not really an island anymore, because they've built a causeway to it. It's not very big, it just has two peaks, and some beaches at the bottom. It was used in the 18th Century by the British, who built a fort there to spy on French ships. It was also used in WWII by the US as a base. There are still ruins of the fort, some old canons and a few plaques with some information about the island. It's quite interesting, but they haven't played up to the history as much as something similar in the UK would, like an English heritage site. There were only about 5 ... read more

So with carnival over, it was back to the hospital. It was pretty quiet, as I guess everyone was too busy with carnival to get sick. There was a sad case in the ICU though. A 29 year old man had a congenital heart problem, which gave him a heart attack at work. No one knows how long he was unconscious for before a work colleague found him on the floor. The colleagues called an ambulance, but they thought that they felt a pulse, so no one did any CPR until the paramedics arrived 20 minutes later. When he was brought to A&E they continued CPR for an hour before he came around. But now, he is a vegetable. Just 8 minutes without oxygen causes permanent brain damage, and he had over 20 minutes before any ... read more

So Monday and Tuesday this week were carnival. There have been, and still are lots of parties going on for carnival, but Monday and Tuesday were bank holidays and it was when the people got in their costumes and did the parade. There's not much to say, but I got a lot of photos. The costumes were pretty cool, although they are around £800 each for a bikini and feathers really. It was fun to watch and the crowds weren't too bad, so we got a really good view. Monday was really good, and that's where all the pictures are from. The whole thing was meant to start around 11am, but nothing happened until about 1pm. That's just St Lucia time. Tuesday wasn't as good. I think all the people must have been very tired or ... read more

Woke up feeling a little stiff and sore this morning. I can walk fine, but stairs are very difficult, both up and down. And sitting down and getting back up are also very difficult, especially getting up from a sun lounger. I also have quite a few mosquito bites. I used a lot of repellent, but I think I just kept sweating it off, and the trail was very humid with loads of mosquitoes about. So they're bothering me a bit today. I'm quite sore, and I think it will be even worse tomorrow, so not looking forward to that. Luckily tomorrow is carnival! So it's a bank holiday and I don't have to go into the hospital, so I can rest my muscles whilst watching the carnival parade. We decided to rest ourselves today at ... read more
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Not much to say, just a lot of pictures! Today we climbed Gros Piton. Its around 2600 feet tall, super steep and super rocky. It was incredibly difficult to climb both up and down. You really needed to be fit to do it, and I'm not fit enough. The steps on the way up were huge, so Alex and I couldn't actually step up on to them, we have to grab trees or rocks and hoist ourselves up. On the way down I had to sit on one step and jump down to the next. After halfway, the ground was a bit wet and slippy. I managed not to fall over, but still got ridiculously muddy from having to scramble up all the rocks. We were all drenched in sweat pretty early on. They said you ... read more

I've now finished week 5. Just 3 more weeks to go, it's definitely flying by. Haven't posted in a while because there hasn't been a lot. On Wednesday, it was the England football match, so the girls and I took a bus down to Rodney bay to meet the boys at the bar to watch it. I'm not sure if I've written much about the buses here. They are 15 or 16 seater minibuses. They come in all different colours, no logos or anything, drivers don't wear uniforms. You only know its a bus because it will usually have a green sticker in the front to say where it's going. There are bus stops, but you can flag the bus down anywhere, even on the highway, and it will stop for you. Same with getting off ... read more

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