Blogs from Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 139


As I was flying into Panama City I was thinking how cool it would be to be able to stay a little while. As it turns out, my flight was an hour and a half late and I was too late to make my connection. So, I get to spend the night in a hotel in Panama, near the airport, so be careful what you wish for. So far I haven´t done anything and I´m really sorry that I haven´t updated since the middle of the end of europe. Trust that it was cool and that I´ll be safe and have a good time. I really hope I get to see the Panama Canal, that would be super cool. Anyhow, I have to figure out how I´m going to tell George and Sheree that I´m not ... read more

Ca fait suer, j´avais un blog détaillé des dépenses par pays et postes budgétaires et je l´ai perdu lorsque j´ai voulu le publier. Voici un petit résumé: * Pays........Jours...Budgeté......Actuel.....Balance * U.S.A............6........1200...........869.......-331 * Mexique.....11........1100.........1307......+207 * Guatémala...5..........500...........429.........-71 * El Salvador...5.........500...........337........-163 * Nicaragua.....4.........400...........283........-117 * Costa Rica....1.........100...........115.........+15 * Total...........32.......3800........3340........-460 Désolé mais je dois aller me coucher. J.P. ... read more

Après les commentaires de Didier sur notre partie à l´aveugle, j´ai revu et corrigé la notation de la partie, il n´y avait que 6 erreurs de notation... En passant Didier, au Guatémala, notre autobus a croisé un camion de Fleichman ;-) J.P.... read more

Journée tranquille dans le nouveau Panama City. Merlin a pu jouer un peu de guitare électrique, je me suis acheté un petite flute. Nous avons traversé la ville en taxis pour 3$. On a fait le tour du centre d´achat Metro Centro et on est allé marcher dans un parc. Demain matin c´est l´aéroport de Panama, notre vol pour Quito est a 11h55 on devrais arriver un peu avant 14h00, Myra arrivera vers 22h00. Ca nous donne du temps pour trouver une chambre et revenir à l´aéroport. J.P.... read more
25 cents de plaisir
Metro Centro

De temps à autres nous allons ajouter des photos a ce blog et on le changera de date afin que vous n´ayiez pas à le chercher. ... read more
Panama City
Abres a Panama City
Trottoir de Panama City

Ce matin nous avons visité le Canal de Panama, pendant que nous y étions, nous avons vu 2 bateaux utiliser les écluses.... read more
Canal de Panama
Canal de Panama
Que veux dire ce signe routier?

Cet ordi bug constamment, alors ce blog sera petit. Nous sommes arriv'e a Panama City. Les photos, cela sera pour plus tard d' un ordi plus puissant. Nous avons souper au McDonald, c' etai tla premiere fois que j' y mettais les pieds depuis qu e j' ai vu le film Super Size Me il y a 3 ans je crois. Ne resterons a cet hotel pour les 3 prochaines nuits. A+, J.P.... read more

After four nights in Bocas del Toro, it was time to move on and so we caught an 8:30 flight across to to David, on the pacific side of Panama (only $38!). From there it was a short bus ride up to Boquete, in the Chiriqui highlands. This little village is nestled up in the cloudy hills of Panama, amongst coffee plantations. We walked through the village and through someones elaborate gardens that were open to the public. When the afternoon thunderstorm arrived, we took cover at Cafe Ruiz, a coffee shop at a coffee plantation. We bumped into the Swiss couple from the snorkeling tour, who had taken the boat/bus option from Bocas to David to Boquete instead of flying - it took them something like 13 hours to get there, so we were glad ... read more

We had to stick around Bocas for another day since the flights to David was not until friday. Our plan was to hire some scooters and head out to Bocas del Drago beach. We couldn't find any scooters so we ended up taking a taxi and arranged for him to return at 5pm. Once we had walked past some stinky rancid streams, we got to the nice beach which was absolutely spectacular. As you might imagine, we took a bunch of photos and played in the water to our hearts content. There was a palm tree overhanging the water that everyone passing it had to get a photo on it.... read more

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