Blogs from Isla de Ometepe, Southern Pacific Coast, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 14


Ometepe is a volcanic island in the middle of the big lake in Nica. There are actually 2 volcanos on it and it is a really pretty place. Hiked up a Volcan Concepcion with 2 Canadians and a guide who spent a few years in Las Vegas during the civil war as his father was a sniper in the Sadinistas, but didnt survive the war. On the walk up we saw howler monkeys, white faced monkeys (apparently got their from pirate ships back in the day, these are the monkeys on pirates of the carib), hawks and other fauna. Next day was for kayaking near Merida which was good. ... read more
Volcan Concepcion, Ometepe Island
Volcan Concepcion, Ometepe Island
This house is for sale, I think

I woke up a little late today, I blame the beer hockey, and met Susan and Meg for breakfast. They had decided to head to San Juan del Sur today, and I was going to try to make it to the waterfall. After yesterday my legs are a little tired but supposably the hike is only 3 km so I should be able to make it. I had probably missed the 8:00 bus since it was almost 9:00, and the next one wouldn´t come until 11:00. The other option was to rent a bike from the hotel and ride there, hike the waterfall, and ride back. The attendant told me it was about 6 km to San Ramon, and would take me about 1.5 hours each way to ride. I remember thinking that I could ride ... read more
My bike 2
My Bike 3
My Bike 4

I woke up early to catch the bus to San Ramon, where I had planned on hiking to the Cascada de San Ramon. The bus was to arrive at 8:00 am and drop me in San Ramon in about an hour or so. By 8:30 the bus had not arrived so I decided to head back to my room to get a couple of things that I forgot. As slow as that bus moves I would have been able to get to my room and back even if I saw it coming down the street. Anway on my way back out to the bus I bumped into a couple of girls who were going to hike up Volcan Maderas and asked me if I wanted to join. We all jumped into a taxi (kind of like ... read more
Follow the mud
Crater Lake

I´ve realized that the only reason I ever know the day of the week is because I have a job. Remove the job, and I have know idea. I like having know idea. I woke up today and decided to move on to Isla de Ometepe. It´s a quick 45 minute bus ride to Rivas, 10 minute collectivo cab to San Jorge, 60 minute boat ride to the island, and 2 hour bus ride to the hotel. Ok, so maybe not very quick, but the trip was made interesting since the majority was on this little wooden boat or on dirt roads around an island. I got to my hotel in the afternoon and decided to walk the 40 minutes or so to check out the swimming hole at Ojo de Agua. This is basically a ... read more
Below deck
Volcan Concepcion

so i was up again early at 530 to make coffee, mucho gusto, pack, no me gusto and catch the bus at 8am. met a couple from estonia and talked with them the whole time. they were named maris and ago. we waited in line at the border and the power was out so it moved very slowly. maris and ago left because it was just a day trip. saw pasquel again and he paid for a nice bus and it even had to wait. finally the power came on and i got thru after 3 and a half hours. took a cab to make up time to san jorge to catch the boat to isla de ometepe. it is two volcanos in the middle of lago nicarauga. got to the puerto at 130 to find ... read more
baby in line
local in beach park

got woken up by the locals at 530. and so i got up and got fed and ready for the hike. our guide, guille en espanol, was named freddy and a couple from holland were w us named fonz and margarite. fonz was slow and he turned around w his wife just after mid point. freddy spoke no english, but it was good practice for my spanish. freddy said it would take an hour and half from where we were from, but when they left we made it up in 40 minutes. there was no view because of the clouds and rain. also tjhe trail was very treachurous, but i had my hiking poles, bastones en espanol, to help me down the trail. we actually caught up w fonz and margarite after luch and saw lots ... read more

was undecided on what to do so i ran some errands and then decided to leave myogalpa and get somewhere out of town for some fun. 1st tried some huevos rancheros and met really cool older couple who have lived all over the world and travelled all over. they have a place in florida and teach at an international school. sounds like a good life. so i caught the ¨chicken bus¨ to chaco verde and saw some more estonians, 3 of them, who said it was a good place to chill and watch the sunset, but that everyone there was ¨old¨. so i guess i am not old yet. when i got there the dorms had no fan and it was a crap room for 10$. so i left and walked up the road and started ... read more

Happy (belated) Halloween! Feliz dia de brujas! Happy Day of the Dead! (today, November 2) Happy almost election day! If you missed it, here is my most recent column article in the Bainbridge Review: For my english conversation group this week I bought I pumpkin and we carved it together (well, i mostly carved it, struggling, as they watched - the pumpkin skin is thicker down here!) I have lit it nightly since Wednesday and it is so entertaining to watch all the people come by, some brave enough to come up close and touch it to see if it truly is what they think it is. Dora said that during the high school assembly this week the principal warned all the students to not partake in anything related to Halloween because it is a holiday ... read more
October Review Article
Nature Reserve control point
Independence Day!

Granada was very much needed. Whatever bug I had I feel much better. The evening was uneventful because I spent most of the night trying to fix my camera. It somehow got a virus on my memory card which prevented me from seeing any photos. Yup that is right you can get your memory card infected with a virus but then again maybe it´s just Nicaragua. None of these computers have virus scans so I feel like I should be putting a condom on my USB cord when I plug it into one of these computers. So with some nifty computer work I showed the virus who was boss and restored it. That night I stayed at a hostel call Oasis in Granada. This hostel had a lot of amenities but the room were basic and ... read more
arriving at the dock
green farms all over
walk of shame

Isla de Ometepe is a beautiful, tranquil island. We stayed in Hospedaje Buena Vista in the tiny village of Santo Domingo. The guesthouse sat right on the waters edge, where weeks could be passed swaying in hammocks watching the sun go down. The village of Santo Domingo consisted of one dirt road upon which sat about 4 guesthouses, a school, a tiny tienda (shop) and one restaurant. Either side of the village lay miles and miles of green fields full of horses, cattle, pigs and poultry. Needless to say our 5 days on the island were 5 of the most peaceful days we´ve had in our lives. One beautiful morning we made our way along the dirt road to a natural swimming spot that the locals had been frequenting for decades. As we were walking along ... read more
One for the boys
One for the girls

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