letting a little of the crazy out! in english! exclamation! exclamation!

Published: January 10th 2009
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Hellooooo dear readers! Or shall I address this to my dear stalkers?

I am in a crackity mood this morning. It´s kind of weird weather day here in the northern Nica. Super windy... like SUPER duper windy and cloudy and - weird weather.

Yes, that was very redudant.

So, had my Uncle T, the carpintero, come look at my room to give me an estimate for a zinc roof. He called a few ferreterías to get zinc estimates, and then worked it all out including the wood supports needed, the next to cheapest zinc, and the nails... and it adds up to about 2,000 cords, or $100. Totally doable. TOTALLY. Ahhhh so hopefully we can get the stuff together this month and begin in February. I am also going to go price a mattress this morning when I get out of here.

So the Boy´s parents and family live in Jinotega. He lives here because he goes to school in Somoto and has a contract working at the border in El Espino. He has a week of vacation and wanted me to come with him to visit his family in Jinotega. It would definitely be an adventure, that´s for sure, but I turned him down. Mostly because I have been so vaga from my site recently and don´t feel like another week of vacay - even if it´s with a Nicaraguan family and therefore not really vacay - would be prudent. I mean, the only real thing I DO in my site right now is have awesome English classes with the kids. Man I love my 7-12 year olds! And, well, even though I have met practically every other Uncle and Aunt and cousin of the T---- family, still not ready to meet his parents. Not that it really makes a differnece, but somewhere in the back of my mind, it does.

Annnnd I´m going to Matagalpa - yay exploring a new city! - for the 23rd and 24th to celebrate a PCV birthday. Sooo looking forward to reuniting - again! - with my fellow volunteers and getting to know a new town in Nicaragua. And apprently Matagalpa is pretty cool...

Also! I got a card from Mom, a bright green envelope from Mom, and a package from Kristy! Mom, you mailed your package Jan 2nd and Kristy you mailed yours Dec 11th .. and they both got her now. Have not opened any of them and won´t until I get home! Also, Arielle your box of cheer rocks my world and I have been watching your movies bandit style in my room and I just hung up the fish today and I am looking forward to reading the books and THERE´S NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT THESE PANTS NOW, IS THERE?! LauraBeth, the travel book is an inspiration and I am enjoying it immensely - thank you.

Immensely... is that spelled right? It looks strange. Yup, according to dictionary.com, it is indeed spelled correctly.

Here´s a shoutout to my awesome brother Ben who rocked his ACT scores and knows where he´s going to college and is making very good life choices! Dude, you´re my soul and inspiration!

That song was playing on the radio on the bus ride here and those 5 words are sooo stuck in my head!

Dear god I´m thirsty and my liquado place wasn´t open and so I´m giving in and having an orage Fanta and oooohhhh the sugary goodness!

This post has little to do with Nicaragua or travel, but sometimes ya just gotta let the crazy out in writing. In English.

And on that note, I am going to answer a few more emails, go check and see mattress prices, go buy a bottle of water, buy some recarga for my phone, and catch the 1.30 bus home and open my gifts!

over & out from the wilds of weird weather nicaragua!


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