Duckensfield, Jamaica

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Central America Caribbean » Jamaica
February 14th 2013
Published: February 21st 2013
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Leroy Henry is a 33 year old man who lives in Duckensfield, Jamaica. He works as a laborer for the tropicana sugar company. Leroy has seven children by three different woman, which is not uncommon. two of his kids go to Happy Grove High School and four of them go to Stokes Hall Technical. He can not afford to send them to school on a regular basis, because of the job he has. they live in a two room house with an outside kitchen and pit toilet.

Economy stats comparing Jamaica and Usa:

GDP is Gross Domestic Product: A popular way to measure the size and strength of a country's economy. GDP measures the total value of all goods and services in a nation.

Jamaica's GDP is $12,840,000,000 ranked 132
Americas GDP is $13,060,000,000,000 ranked 2

GDP Per Capita is Gross Domestic PRoduct per a person

Jamaica's GDP per Capita is $4,820.30
Americas GDP Per Capita is $43,680.67

Education Stats

School life expectancy in total:

Jamaica is 10.8 years
America is 15.2 years

Average years of schooling of adults:

Jamaica is 5.3 years
America is 12 years

Infant Mortality Rate

The number of deaths of infants under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live births in Jamaica is 14.91 while in The United States it is 6.14

% of population with access to a Doctor:

0.85 per 1,000 people in Jamaica
2.3 per 1,000 people in USA

% of population with access to clean water:

Jamaica 92%
USA 100%

% of Population Working in Agricultare:

Jamaica 17%

The percentage of people working in agricultare shows a countrys poverty. When working in agricultre the people cant work in industry. indusrty is what mostly brings money to a country and whit out a good amount of money a country cant take itself out of poverty. comparing Jamaica to USA, Jamaica has 17% of the people working in Agricultare, and USA has between 2 and 3% of the popluation working in agricultare.


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