Blogs from Capital Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 13


Hi everyone! Today is our second last day here in Guatemala; our trip is sadly coming to a close. We have had many exciting adventures and learned so much over the past two weeks. Today we had to wake up super early… 4:00AM! We all had trouble getting out of bed as it was freezing cold and we were all tired after working on Thursday. We left the site at 4:30AM to see a procession happened in Tecpan. This week is Holy week in Guatemala. During this religious celebration, there are multiple processions that occur in Guatemala. Guatemalans dress in purple cloaks and carry around big floats. They walk over the alfombras. When we arrived in Tecpan this morning, we helped make the alfombras. They are patterns made out of saw dust. They are ... read more
Helping with alfombras

Na enkele drukke dagen heb ik eindelijk de tijd gevonden om de laatste blog over Guatemala te schrijven. Daarna zal het waarschijnlijk wel even duren vooraleer ik weer een nieuwe blog schrijf, zowel omdat jullie voorlopig wel voldoende leesvoer hebben, en omdat ik nu eenmaal niet zulke spannende avonturen beleef in Miami als in Guatemala... Dag 5: De eerste filmdag Eindelijk was de dag aangebroken om echt aan de documentaire te beginnen. De researchfase was over, en we konden gewapend met een camera, tripod Len microfoon op pad gaan om onze documentaire in beeld te brengen. We gingen eerst naar het eerste klasje dat Nora had opgericht, in haar eigen dorp. De kleuters waren superschattig en werkten heel goed mee. Sommigen waren enorm onder de indruk van de camera, omdat ze dat nog nooit eerder gezien ... read more
Mama en kindje
Mijn favoriete tas

Hola from Guatemala! It has come to my understanding that we haven't had an updated blog entry in a couple of days. So to all the worried parents out there, don't worry! We are all okay. There have apparently been a few earthquakes in the past few days, but they have been while we were fast asleep, so we did not feel them. Today was our last working day, and also our hardest. There were many jobs to do, and the one which I chose was to cement the Eco-Brick walls that the crews had built earlier during the trip. This morning, Melissa Liu, Iksha Kumar, Mr. S., Taehyo Kim, and myself all went for a run. I felt extremely out of shape; even though we only jogged for about 40 minutes, the altitude caused us ... read more

After we woke up and had breakfast, we waited for the kids to arrive at Project Somos for Kids' Day. 150 kids from the village came: 50% more than last year. What was amazing was that all of them were smiling happily. We prepared various activity stations for the children. The most popular one was the playground, which our school and St.Georges have spent more than a week building it. For the kids, it was their first time being on a playground that consisted of slides, tetherball, fort, swings, balance beams, and monkey bars. Looking at at least 40 kids' ecstatic looks while going down the slide really made us feel proud of ourselves. Soccer was another highlight for the kids. Our nets were made up of tires on a 20m field. The kids didn't mind ... read more

Arrival ************* And so we arrive, a little frazzled without our bags, but just happy to be somewhere close to bedtime. With taxi overpaid for, we set off to the central hotel we've booked. Easy peasy we think. Er, not quite. It turns out that Hotel Colonial, 7th avenida is far from enough of an address for a taxi driver to be able to find a place. And so begins one of the longest, silliest taxi journeys I recall being in. It goes like this: Guatemalan cities are divided into zones, every zone has a 7th avenida, there are 19 zones; but that's ok, we're confident we're looking for zone 1; except, every zone is divided into a grid of avenidas and streets, and without both, you are lost. So, our taxi driver knows we are ... read more

I thought that I would take a few minutes to comment on our students' efforts working here in Guatemala on Project Somos.Today 150 children from the surrounding local communities came to play! Students form St Georges and Southridge had organized games, puppet and jewellry making, palnting seeds for minature gardens in plastic bottles, bowling, soccer, a scavenger hunt and an adaptation of duch, duck, goose - hola, hola, adios! Those who speak Spanish have been a great help (Melissa even did a brief Tv interview in Spanish) and we have all tried to master basic greetings and questions.The main attraction was the playground which is almost complete. To see the local kids' joy in throwing themselves down the slide was wonderful. Thanks to James who shot quite a lot of film today and was working hard ... read more

Hello everyone! I’m not sure how many people are actually following this blog, but that’s alright. I was supposed to blog yesterday, but sadly the internet was being difficult so I’m blogging this morning. Yesterday morning, we were still enjoying the beautiful sights and sounds of Lake Atitlan. We woke up and enjoyed a cooked breakfast on the rooftop of our hotel. As you can imagine, it was amazing. After eating, we packed up our bags and headed to board the boats that would take us to the buses that we would use to travel back to Project Somos. As you can see, there was a lot of traveling involved yesterday. I personally love boat rides and enjoyed every minute of speeding across Lake Atitlan. Some people, not so much. The 50 minute boat ride actually ... read more

Ik heb mijn weekend volledig besteed aan babysitten, dus ik krijg nu pas de kans om het tweede deel te schrijven. Hopelijk kan ik Deel 3 later deze week afleveren. Ik heb vorige keer enkel de eerste dag kunnen bespreken, dus ik zal beginnen te vertellen vanaf dag 2, en dan zien we wel waar we geraken! Dag 2: De kennismaking Onze eerste volledig dag in Guatemala was gevuld met activiteiten. Eerst zouden we tijd besteden aan onze projecten, dan gingen we het dorpje verkennen, en 's avonds had Cesar, de eigenaar van de jeugdherberg, een soort verrassing gepland. We wisten dus tijdens het ontbijt dat onze zondag geen rustdag ging zijn! Onze klas was onderverdeeld in drie groepen. Elke groep moet een eigen documentaire maken. Onze documentaire gaat over een project genaamd "Let's Be Ready". ... read more
Ik als edelsteenbewerker :)
Mayaans relikwie

Uiteraard heb ik heel veel te vertellen over mijn week in Guatemala en ook over de week ervoor, omdat ik dan mijn kortfilm van mijn eerste jaar in Miami, "Predation", gefilmd heb. Omdat het al bijna een volledige maand (!) geleden is dat ik nog eens een blog heb geschreven, en om één ellenlange blog over Guatemala te vermijden, heb ik besloten om mijn verslag over Guatemala in drie aparte blogs op te splitsen ("De dagen ervoor & Guatemala Deel 1", "Guatemala Deel 2" en "Guatemala Deel 3 & de dagen erna). Op die manier kan ik tenminste vandaag toch al het eerste deel van mijn reisverslag uit de doeken. De dag voordat we Predation gingen filmen kreeg ik langs verschillende kanten goed nieuws te horen. Voor het examen van onze productieklas kregen we onze punten ... read more
Het dakterras
Een vulkaan in de verte
Het gezellige binnenkoertje

Today we woke up to someone pounding on our door. We were tired, so it took a while before we were able to get up and get ready for the day. I myself resorted to having a relatively cold shower, as we have been told countless times that cold showers wake you up. They lied. Afterwards, we went out for a walk to breakfast, and afterwards split up into two groups - those who wanted to go to the market, and those who wanted to go back to the hotel. We got some time to pack, and at 11:30, we were out the door and getting into our busses that would take us to the House. The House is the place we are staying in now - its a bit like a hostel. Theres a bunch ... read more

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