
Published: November 15th 2005
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City street in Antigua, although an expensive town, lots and lots of fun!
Yesterday Ryan and I arrived in Antigua, Jord headed east to Belize to sit on the beach. I updated my blog yesterday about the jungle trip, but the webserver had problems publishing it so hence its not there until now (hopefully). This computer has problems with the USB so I can´t get any more photos up of Antigua or the jungle trip, but as soon as I can I´ll let everyone know.

We left Flores at 10:30 Sunday night, which was rough because it was only hours after getting back from the jungle. I threw all my muddy gear in the shower and bathed with it before tossing it in a garbage bag and into my backpack. The bus ride was great, no leg room but I had two seats so I slept like a baby. Woke up at 6am just outside Guatemala city and arrived at the bus station shortly after. We cabbed to the chicken bus area because our feet were in AWFUL shape. Ryans toe looks like it will have to be amputated and my feet are just a bleeding mess of blisters and other weird liquids.

We got on a chicken bus which was PACKED but only paid Q6.5 which is cheap. Legs numbing after a few kms from lack of leg room. Arrived in Antigua my foot is totally swolen now and we found a nice hostel. I cleaned up my foot (thanks again for the first aid stuff Jod) and rested for awhile. We got some food and caught up on some writing. Ryan and I got dinner later and went to a cool lounge to watch a DVD with some people from the hostel. Had a couple beers but not too many because it was malaria pill day!

Slept last night in a bed for the first time in I don´t know how long, and it was great! Today we had our free pancake breakfast at the hostel then went to the market to buy some day packs. Great deals! We´re going to go rest the feet and check out some sights later this afternoon and then probably go party tonight. Might go to Lago de Atitlan tommorow or the next day with some people here.

Will post pictures soon!


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