Quepos to San Jose - The Revenge of The Mahi-Mahi

Published: March 20th 2010
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San Jose from the BalconySan Jose from the BalconySan Jose from the Balcony

San Jose from the Balcony at Best Western.
Ugh... I had the worst nights sleep in my life! Yes, it was awful! The girls upstairs were super loud... by this time I'm sunburned and still feeling a bit tight from the rafting trip... all of this combined for a horrid nights sleep... so, I was happy when the sun came up and greeted the day!

We packed up what little we had, ate breakfast in the hotel restaurant and stopped into the office to call for a cab. We then gave the room a final once-over and waited for our cab.

The cab took us to Quepos where we waited for an almost an hour for the direct bus to San Jose. It was when we were waiting for this bus that last night's dinner (mahi-mahi) hit me... my stomach started to hurt and I'll spare you the gory details, but it wasn't fun being a public bus when this came on. This made me SERIOUSLY consider going full vegetarian rather than being the pescetarian that I am!

I closed my eyes and imagined sleep, but it didn't happen... The bus ride continued on for almost four hours, stopping a few welcomed times at some road-side stands
Inside of RoomInside of RoomInside of Room

Inside of Room at Best Western.
that (thankfully) had bathrooms.

Once we finally got to San Jose we immediately caught a cab and went to the downtown Best Western... it's only a "three star" hotel, but I was happy as a clam to get a home-base!

After a quick nap Megan and I decided to take a stroll and check out downtown San Jose... At first we couldn't figure out the street... They all "looked the same" and hardly anything was labeled. Remember when I wrote about the lack of street signs? Well, San Jose, being a big city, DOES have street signs... but not on EVERY street... At first this was confusing, but I'll get to the revelation we had later...

So, here we are... in downtown San Jose, using the National Bank as a reference. As we were walking back to the hotel we managed to see one person smoking crack, a pimp comforting his girl and someone using the sidewalk as a toilet... and it's funny, this is just "big city" living that I should be used to by now, but for some reason or another being in strange country it was weird.

Back at the hotel we were thinking of
San Jose from the BalconySan Jose from the BalconySan Jose from the Balcony

San Jose from the Balcony at the Best Western.
reasons to NOT go out again when we checked the guide and figured out the streets... (the big secret is that they are either odd or even numbered, in other words the streets go Calle 2, Calle 4, Calle 6, etc and the other streets are Avenues that are Avenue 1, Avenue 3, Avenue 5, etc... think, 'a really complicated game of Battleship'). Like Communism, it works on paper but in real life it's a bit confusing.

We decided to consult the guide book and read that the streets we were on were considered the "worst in San Jose and should be avoided".... Mental note for tomorrow! ha ha!

We ate dinner (sort of) at the Best Western restaurant and went turned in early.



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