Blogs from La Tortuga Feliz, Limón, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 2


I did not end up going to bed at all, I stayed up and worked on the schedules more. Its a lot of hard work to do, but I managed somehow. I had to change it like 4 or 5 times tho. I did a kitchen 2 shift for the day, went swimming in the afternoon, and then released 6 baby turtles, but couldnt go because I was on kitchen. I ended up going to bed around 9 and had to wake up at 5 to do my 6 hatchery shift. No me gusta!... read more

Saw a coral snake today on the beach. One of the locals found it and placed it into a bucket. It was a beautiful animal, and one of the most poisonous ones in the country. Later in the afternoon, we saw a vine snake, just this long bright green colored snake, slithering within the trees. 6 new people came today, which is always nice to meet new people. I had a 2 to 6 morning hatchery shift and it was a great night because two nests came in and I got to work on one of them. I had to dig a leatherback nest and make it just right; it was a lot of fun to do!! Then I had to put all 97 eggs in. The eggs are big, and they are very soft, not ... read more

Worked at the hatchery today with a few others by putting big plastic trashbags over the wall and covering it with sand so just in case the water wouldnt wash anything away. Its been cloudy most of the day and windy. Took over for an hour at the hatchery, covered for someone and then worked a 10 to 2 shift for a friend. Otherwise, its been a pretty lazy day. ... read more

I had the midnight patrol shift today. It was a very exciting night because I saw 4 turtles!! The first one was a leatherback with poachers collecting the eggs, It was sad to see that, because there is nothing we could have done. The animal was HUGE, about 175 cm long. We saw another turtle right after, also the eggs were poached. The 3rd turtle we came across we were lucky because we got to her before poachers did. We collected her eggs and after we finished, I was had the chance to get up close, face to face with her and it was remarkable!! Her head is so big, and to hear her breathe was something else. Truly a prehistoric dinosaur!! ... read more

I had a hatchery shift from 10 to 2. My job was to go in every 15 or 20 minutes and patrol, to make sure there was no crabs or ants in the cages, to see if there were any hatchings,etc. This was the morning shift. Other than that, I sat there in the chair watching the waves roll in. I saw a lot of pelicans fly by. It was a very sunny day and I wasnt smart enough to bring sunscreen with me so I got burnt pretty badly. My shoulders and my arms, and my feet were red as a lobster. After my shift, I went back and had some lunch, then went for a swim for a good half an hour. In the afternoon, we played capture the flag with some of the ... read more

Its almost 2 and its been WINDY all day non stop, which means a big storm is coming in soon. I am on kitchen 2 duty today, which is basically just washing dishes after each meal and cleaning the inside part of the kitchen. It feels good to sit and not patrol anymore. After walking 3 nights in a row, it feels good to just relax my muscles. 18 miles in 3 days, not bad!! There is another group coming in today so we will see how many newbies show up. Every Monday and Thursday we always get new people coming in, but at the same time, we have people leave, so it balances out. ... read more

There is another project on the island, and they are called Quilonios, or however its spelled. They are a self sustained farm and they barely have anything. They help out with us from time to time, but they are never reliable. Anyways, we had a meeting with them today, and talked about measuring rainfall and temperature everyday. We also went over how to measure baby turtles, the length, width, and weight. In the afternoon, we had hatchery training, showing us what to do just in case a nest comes in while we are on shift,etc. After that we had nest digging training, and I must say, digging a leatherback nest isn't close to being easy. It was quite tricky. For those, we dig down 70 cm and then dig another 30 or 35 cm inwards, to ... read more

I got back from the beach patrol at 4 in the morning. Man, was I tired. It was a great hike tho. Its about 6 miles to and from. There was a lot of thunder and lightning way out above the ocean. I saw my first turtle; this HUGE leatherback!! It was so amazing, so massive! We collected her eggs, about 80 fertile and 40 non fertile ones, carried them in a bag, and took them back to the hatchery. After the eggs were relocated, we went out again, considering we still have time left. We didnt see much, except for a few poachers. I slept in until 6 30, had some breakfast, which BTW, the food is delicious!! Went for a swim after that, and I must say, the ocean is always warm. I could ... read more

I arrived to Bataan around noon and was greeted by the hosts. We had to wait 2 hours for the boat to come in due to the low tide. We left at 2 and got to the dock from where we traveled by boat. There were 7 of us in total but there was 9 or 10 more at the project. As soon as we left from the dock, I heard the first call of a howler monkey right above us!! The boat ride took about 30 minutes. We arrived at the project and were greeted by the other volunteers. We unloaded, got a tour of the place, then talked with the manager in the office about rules and safety, payment, etc. We relaxed after that, had dinner, then schedules were made. I had to go ... read more

Sunday evening we found out that the bridges on the road to Limon had been fixed - so we were able to have a stress free journey to Bataan, the small town where we would be picked up to head to the turtle project. We arranged a driver to take us the 2 1/2 hour drive. It was a bit overcast and drizzling when we left Puerto Viejo, but at least the heavy rains stopped for us! The pick up point was a pizza stand in a semi trailer called Pizza King. 3 girls from Holland were also heading into the project and we were met by the volunteer coordinator - Robert, who filled us in on some basics, and gave us a chance to make a final run to the Mega Super grocery store for ... read more
Leatherback Turtle
Leatherback laying eggs
Boat to La Tortuga Feliz

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