trekin_nepal's Guestbook

3rd March 2006

Hey guys Have you been able to celebrate Ghana's National Day on the 6th of March ! We're having something here in the Great white north, I thought about you then. Take care...
2nd March 2006

ah, the malaria part of the trip
I am really sorry you had to go trough that. Diarrhea, vomiting and fevers suck, you know I know that better than anyone else! On the bright side at least you are not suffering through them in an Ohio winter. I will have to say I don't think everyone else in that picutre would have been smiling if they saw that look on your face and realized you were pointed right at them. Glad to see Katelyn looks rather healthy though, and somehow despite packing only two shirts and some underwear, she appears to have a new outfit on in every picture. Are you going shopping or what? Please let the African people keep their clothes. And save some for Ryan, he looks like he might need a new shirt or maybe even pants after that photo. Please take care and stay HEALTHY!
1st March 2006

hey, I dont know how this works. You'll said not to reply, but I could not resist being worried about Ryan. Looks like everything is under control. R u guys using mosquito repellent. please do. Buy one if need be. If u need anything from here, please call or write. I will send it to you asap. Love Jay
28th February 2006

What An Experience...
You certainly are having the full immersion experience...unfortunately there has to be the maladies to go along with all the splendors...thank you so much for the detailed report and all the fabulous photos....thank you, Katelyn for the lovely was heartwarming to receive...I feel blessed to be a part of your adventure albiet vicariously...take care of yourselves...keep up the great work...and most of all...have FUN....enjoy every moment. Chloe sends her purrrrrfect love and licks....Love, Valtra.
28th February 2006

Ryan, on top of all the pain that you've been through, you forgot to mention that you still had to keep up with your blog; I really know what you mean by feeling ill in a warm country, it did happen to me in the past, not a very pleasant experience but you'll laugh about it when you come back home (I don't know when but I guess you will) Good work guys, you're doing a great job. Now, can you tell me if all the books are in english or are there any other languages involved, let's say french (yeah!) or any local dialects ? Katelyn, take good care of Ryan and take care of yourself too of course, nice to read you again !
24th February 2006

A wonderful never ending story
Hey Katelyn, just got your postcard 23 days after you mailed it ! I'm back from Puerto Rico but I'm sure it's not as exotic as what you're going through. I keep reading your stories, it is like a novel where one anticipates the next chapter with anxiaty, so glad to see that you're doing well. Looking forward to reading you soon ! Hello to Ryan the writer and bookeeper ! Mintri
21st February 2006

You guys ROCK!!!
Once again, I am so jealous of you guys!! You are having a great time learning so much!!!I admire you both.RyGuy..I will be working on the trails this summer with RMYC as a mentor!!Wahoo!! I bought a book the other day called Mountaineer Medicine that reviews everything you taught me last summer! I am really excited!!! Kel
13th February 2006

aural suffering, eh?
what are ya talkin about, whitney huston rocks! its gettin to be spring here in Idaho, the sun is out the rivers are high and green creeps in steadily. Mesa, my son, grows like a weed, we blew up firecrackers last night... prayin and thinking about you two keep on trucking and take care of each other! Paul Greear\ 17959 Can-Ada Rd. Nampa, ID 83687 208-250-2993
8th February 2006

fantastic voyage
African drumming, in Africa, and a humungous papaya on your head... now I know you're in heaven Katelyn. man you guys are gonna come home with some serious rythm. word to the wise: although that bushmeat looks delicious, i would chase that car full of bananas if I were you. Ryan, I also expect you will start wearing your pants like that from now on (please?). keep these reports coming -- everyone is reading and loving them!
From Blog: Tour de Ghana
2nd February 2006

Thank YOU
These blogs get better and better! Thank you for all the effort you put into this. It is amazing to be able to share a bit of your adventure. Love you both,MomXOXOX
From Blog: Tour de Ghana
26th January 2006

Too jealous to write anything funny. Emily read and she is jealous too. we've decided to start club j.o.k.a.r. (Jealous Of Katelyn And Ryan). we decided we will make our own blog where we digitally insert our faces into photos of worldly destinations. have fun at the wedding and i hope your beautiful trip continues to awe you!
From Blog: Exploring Ghana
24th January 2006

Amazing work you are doing in Ghana. I know Kukurantumi. I grew up in Koforidua and my mother used to make forays to that town now and then to visit relatives and and attend funerals. Ah books! I grew up near the Koforidua library and I must say - in all modesty - I read most of the books on the shelf of that small library. The result - a scholarship to Harvard, a Phd at Stanford and now I am engaged in writing a multi-volume work on books. I plan to do something similar to what you guys are doing as soon as my work is completed. Meanwhile, I look forward to reading more of your adventures. Kwasi Appiah Chicago
From Blog: Exploring Ghana
23rd January 2006

What a great description of your journey. You take us right along with you and it is wonderful to experience it vicariously. Thank you. The scenery is beautiful and only second in splendor to my darling, Katelyn's face! I can see you are both healthy and happy. Thank you. Love you both, Mom
From Blog: Exploring Ghana
21st January 2006

Hey Kate! I bet your Afican Dance class really came in handy at the wedding! I love you and miss you!
16th January 2006

dear Yaw and Ajowa
I hope you like those names because you know when you get home, that's what we're going to call you. looks like you are truly getting the experience you were hoping for, like i know katelyn has always wanted to eat a fish with its head on! seriously though, really glad for you both. mentioning katelyn though, still haven't really seen any proof she is with you -- don't hog the blog Yaw.
16th January 2006

You guys seem to be having a really great time and are learning so much very quickly. I am so envious and am keeping up with you guys. You two make for a great story back here in the South!!! Love Kelley
14th January 2006

Reminds me of Hawai'i
Looks and sounds like Hawai'i!!!! Bananas, mangoes, coconuts, papaya. Heat. Sunshine. It went from 60 degrees yesterday to 30 with blowing snow and ice today! Winter in Ohio. Miss you two a lot. Hope you're having fun. Love you!!
From Blog: Ghana
14th January 2006

Glad to see you out and about
Just thought I'd drop a hello.....Hello... mick
From Blog: Amsterdam
13th January 2006

you did it!
I always knew you were something special! Always keep me in the know on your journies! Take care!
From Blog: Ghana
12th January 2006

Resort Kukuturantumi
So the truth is you guys packed some backpacks to make it look like you were going to take some pioneer lewis and clark expedition through the rugged jungles of Africa... and there you are, living in what looks like a nicer apartment than mine (is that a persian rug on the floor?). I see what has happened here and the words "dupped" and "tricked" come to mind. looks like we need that water purifier stick here in Akron more than you'll need it there. ALso wondering why Ryan is in all the pics and wanting to know what you have done with Katelyn. still miss you. still very jealous. still waiting to hear more!
From Blog: Ghana
12th January 2006

I could have given you a chicken to hold on the Metro bus and you both could have stayed right here! We miss you already, but are dying to hear about you landing in Africa...funny stories about people noticing you are not African are welcome and anticipated (hee hee). love you both and my prayers and jealousy are with you.
17th November 2005

Ry Guy and Katelyn
Wow! Sounds like you guys have put so much effort into this journey. Not only do I support you 110% but am so excited and jealous at the same time!!! I honestly hope and know that you two will have the experience of a life time. Thanks for keeping me updated and I will definitely keep you two in my thoughts!!!!Take care. Kelley Brown

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