tdv95's Guestbook

21st August 2011

Glad to hear from you, Vic and Deb. I was starting to worry! Vic, your posts are quite descriptive. I am enjoying reading about your adventures and am looking forward to seeing what I'm sure will be some stunning photos! I hope you are
both in good health. Stay safe and enjoy!
15th August 2011

Helpful Air Canada employees? Time to short the market, the apocalypse is nigh! Anyway, good to hear you've arrived in the Land Down Under. Your Blog posting is appreciated, given how exhausted you must be from wrestling with crocodiles, ru
nning from Tasmanian Devils, playing rugby, Waltzing with Matilda and drinking Foster's while cooking a shrimp on the barbie! Is it true that the toilet water runs counter-clockwork when flushed? This is the kind of thing that home-bodies such as I are dying to know. Look forward to your next posting and say hello to Crocodile Dundee from me.
From Blog: False Start?
10th August 2011

Wow! Imagine finding not one, but two, Air Canada employees who are willing and able to provide a decent level of service! With that kind of luck, we are fully convinced that your odyssey will be fun-filled, safe and secure!Love, Elaine &am
p; Doug (Dad)
From Blog: False Start?
10th August 2011

Glad you could rearrange your plans, Vic and Deb. Looking forward to updates! Travel safe!
From Blog: False Start?
9th August 2011

OMG! It sure is a good thing you are persistent. I do find that when you ask nicely & don't act irate or demanding, people will go out of their way to help you. It doesn't hurt to put on a sad puppy face & look very tired & w
orn out. LOL. I'm sure you will meet many, many more friendly & helpful people on your journey.Too bad you will have to come back to NA. The offer still stands to help out with any logistics on this end.
From Blog: False Start?

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