tdv95's Guestbook

2nd January 2012

Are you feeding the fish with a baby bottle or am I seeing things ?
2nd January 2012

Happy New Year..may your travels be safe and exciting!
1st January 2012

I want his life!
1st January 2012

That's how I feel EVERY morning!! Amazing....
1st January 2012

Merry Christmas and of course, Happy New Year !!
30th December 2011

R??u r?n - Snake WineSnakes are widely believed to possess medicinal qualities and the wine is often advertised to cure everything from farsightedness to hair loss, as well as to increase sexual performance - HELLO !!!!In Vietnam, snake win
e is widely believed by some individuals to improve health and virility. A similar drink is made with geckos or sea horses rather than snakes.Snake wine, due to its high alcohol percentage, is drunk in shot glasses traditionally. Braver drinkers may eat certain parts of the snake or snakes such as the gall bladder, the eyeballs and stomach.Me?? I'll just stick to the Coor's Light
30th December 2011

Okay, maybe it's just me or maybe it's the time of day..... but if DH were a guy then I'd swear she was taking a leak out the window.Sorry, but I think that the photographer got the wrong angle. Unless you were going for that look (the pee
ing out the window shot) and then you pretty much NAILED it. LOL
30th December 2011

Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks - where's the tartar sauce?
30th December 2011

What??? Too full to finish your meal???
30th December 2011

I'll stay here. Can I get a latte in the morning?
30th December 2011

The only thing missing are the plastic, mutli-colored tassles from the grips of the handlebars. teehee...teehee....
28th December 2011

Mmmmm. Tastes like chicken!
28th December 2011

WOW !!!! What a great shot !
27th December 2011

Hi, Deb and Vic !! finally catch up u guys here ..... have a great days ahead ... do keep in touch ..
27th December 2011

What a great blog from Both of you!! Thanks for sharing the story of the monks Deb, I can understand why you like the place so much!! Sounds like a piece of heaven.
27th December 2011

But could you get them mild, medium, hot or suicide!
27th December 2011

You're killing me. I am trying to mustard up the courage to come and visit you, but really ??? what am I going to eat??Is there anyone out there that knows what a coffee and a bagel look like (or better yet taste like) in the morning.
Or is it "Honey, can you grab me a grasshopper and snake juice please?"
27th December 2011

nice bike VP ( hence your name is "basket boy" ) but how does dh fit in that little seat to the rear ?
27th December 2011

oh where to begin?! is it:- the new 2012 Eco-hog yet to be unveiled by HarleyD?- Vic's dopellganger (twin) family-man on his way to the daycare?-Deb's revenge photo for not hiring a tuktuk?
27th December 2011

Vic, you won't fit a lot of groceries in that basket and I don't think they would allow you to ride that in the Tour de LP let alone the Tour de France!
27th December 2011

Dorothy..... there's no place like Kansas
27th December 2011

Absolutely beautiful!!!
26th December 2011

Did they have "wings" on the menu?
26th December 2011

Just the deep fried ones they plucked off the local bat population. Very cruel to bring up wings when Deb is suffering from wings, turkey, and Tims withdrawl.
26th December 2011

Lol, you guys take care and have a bat wing on me. Make sure you get a good massage and sauna. I hear that PakBeng is famous for them :)

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