nancic123's Guestbook

10th October 2015
Rainy Sevilla Night

Two Tales of a City
What a treat to have another taste of Seville! Personally, I don't mind if a place is a bit Disneyesque (as is my hometown Santa Barbara). I'll take beauty over boring any day. Some of Seville's architectural gems may have been built only in the 20c, but how wise that they built in a style that integrated with the city's ancient architecture, rather than going for modern steel and glass. How fabulous that you got to visit the charming Ronda and its amazing bridge. For those of us from earthquake-prone California, it's so bizarre to see those houses perched on the lips of cliffs. Great prose and photos, as usual--thanks!
From Blog: The Unseen Face
10th October 2015

Roman Ronda
I have been there a couple of times and it is as you say most beautiful. Th ask for your lovely descriptions... Sounds like the tour you took in Seville really opened your eyes. I am always fascinated by the history and struggles the Spanish people must have gone through in quite recent times under Franco. .. My daughter in law is Spanish. Cheers Lynne
From Blog: The Unseen Face
10th October 2015

Spain has a unique and interesting heritage and we learned quite a lot on this trip. We had only been to Barcelona in the past and Catalonia has a much different history than Andalusia. I really like Spain a lot and look forward to coming back soon and seeing other regions. You are lucky to have a Spanish "connection" in your family. Thanks for following along, Lynne!
From Blog: The Unseen Face
10th October 2015

Ronda and Seville
I have always wanted to go to Ronda; we were in Seville a few years ago and loved it as well... except the heat, as we were fool enough to go in August... empty streets during the day, very busy at night. I thought it was quite funny you were the only ones being at the bus station more than a few minutes before departure... that's Spain!!! I am Spanish and it even drives me crazy!!! As usual, great photos!
From Blog: The Unseen Face
10th October 2015

I thought Ronda was great and we had way to short of a visit. If we had a chance to do it again, I would definitely rent a car and visit several of the Pueblos Blancos instead of only Ronda. Thanks for following along!
From Blog: The Unseen Face
10th October 2015

Thanks. Loved the trip.
From Blog: The Unseen Face
10th October 2015
Plaza del Cabildo

Your photos continue to impress.
10th October 2015

Years on the Road
You've been on the road and yet you keep your blogs so fresh and unique. We love the way you capture the heart of a city, of a country and make us what to head out on the next flight. We may need a list of all the places you've rented in the past three to five years. We want to follow in your foot steps. I would love to listen to the flamenco guitar. Your word pictures are fantastic. Continue on with the simple pleasures and keep us posted.
10th October 2015

Sometimes it seems like 20 years and sometimes it seems like 20 minutes. We really like the AirBnb thing of renting an apartment for a month and kind of living amongst the town people wherever we are. It has really changed the way we look at travel. Less about sights and more about just checking out the ambience of the town. We have booked this trip quite a way out for a change, and I think we have some interesting places coming up, one of them inspired by some of your blogs. As always, thanks for reading and thank you for the encouraging comments!
26th September 2015

Wow, your photos are absolutely stunning. I love them!! :-)
27th September 2015

Thanks for the nice compliment, Alan!
24th September 2015

Love it!
This is one of my favorite blogs, your photos and descriptions are simply amazing! Thank you so much for inspiring us :)
24th September 2015

Thanks, Jennifer! You are very kind. :)
24th September 2015

So beautifully written and love the atmosphere captured in your photos . It feels like you are living a slow and relaxed life Ther in your apartment I Seviila.
24th September 2015

The life led slowly....
Thank you for your nice comments, Lynne. Sevilla lends itself to moving slowly and living a relaxed life. People seem to take a little longer to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. We hope some of that will rub off on us!
24th September 2015

You have such a gift of observation...
as amply demonstrated by your writing and pictures! It's a pleasure to see a new blog from you on my Minifeed.
24th September 2015

Observations of Spain..
Thanks you, Bob. That is very nice of you to say! We hope to get out to visit some of the surrounding area soon. Perhaps to the Pueblos Blancos or Cordoba. Thanks for following along!
24th September 2015

Plaza de Espana
I'm a fan of all your blogs, but this one...this one made me sigh heavily and feel homesick for Seville. It's one of my favourite cities in Spain (although I have many favourite cities in Spain :) ). Your photos of Plaza de Espana are some of the best I've seen! Hope there are many more blogs from Seville :)
24th September 2015

Plaza de Espana...
Thanks for your nice words, guys. We had to stop ourselves from putting in to many from Plaza de Espana (we have seemingly hundreds). It was beautiful and good pictures could be had easily. A real photographers dream for sure! It's a nice city and is easy to write about, so there is a good chance you will hear from us soon. Thanks for reading!
24th September 2015

Wow, your photos tell the whole story, beautiful, congratulations on that great ability. Thanks for sharing
24th September 2015
A quiet plaza in Santa Cruz

Fabulous photos and such vivid descriptions of the wonders, history and gastronomy of one my favorite cities! How lovely to be there when the summer crowds have gone, and you locals have tapas town to yourselves. Your plaza sounds sweet, and how great that the sun doesn't come up until at 8, so you can have a magical stroll in the cool morning. The second time I stayed there was with a family who had a passion for tapas. They ordered and I savored delicacies this picky eater never thought I'd like. So many surprises in Seville!
24th September 2015
A quiet plaza in Santa Cruz

Memories of Sevilla...
Thank you, Tara. We are beginning to realize that where you are in a city really has an effect on how you see it. We probably would have spent most of our time near the Santa Cruz area if we hadn't have been located near Plaza Alfalfa. It seems the perfect window into daily life here. You were so lucky to have an escort to the world of tapas, so many choices and so little time! This corner of Spain is not known for being the gastronomic paradise that the rest of Spain is, but everything I've seen looks delicious...Thanks as always for following along!
17th September 2015

A country of diversity and a wealth of activity. Glad you continue to enjoy yourselves and the pacing is perfect. Keep sharing your explorations.
20th August 2015

Beautiful photos as usual!
This place is breathtaking! I agree with a previous comment; this place wasn't on my radar, but it is now! When would you say is the best time to go weather-wise? I love how you've described the arrival to different countries, and I agree that the arrival can be very memorable. I did Machu Pichhu and Cambodia half way by train, which were both long beautiful rides. I've never done a ferry ride but it seems very interesting!
21st August 2015

Nice compliments that are appreciated! Victoria is nice all year and has a very nice climate as it is near the ocean. I would go during the summer, it you were looking for a break from the heat somewhere else. The temperatures are very nice and you could even need a sweatshirt or sweater at night. Thanks for following along!

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