mikesrtw's Guestbook

16th May 2015
The famous chocolate hills

We were a little disappointed with these.
17th May 2015
The famous chocolate hills

chocolate hills
Same here. We were at the view point for a mere 5 minutes. Unusual but not spectacular.
16th May 2015
Shh...he's sleeping

They are adorable and we loved seeing them
17th May 2015
Shh...he's sleeping

Same here. We just hoped that the tourism during the day light hours does not disturb or endager them.
16th May 2015
Food court in the mall

Philippine Malls
We agree that there was no shortage of Malls. You really are using your time wisely and have seen many things.
14th May 2015
Tarsier seeking shade

Oddly cute...
Gollum meets tree frog? :)
14th May 2015
Tarsier seeking shade

Oddly Cute
Haha very true. They say that ET was created with the Tasiers in mind although I find it hard to see the resemblance. More like Gollum and the Gremlins.
13th May 2015
Shh...he's sleeping

Trippy tarsiers
How lucky you were able to see a few of those cute, bizarre tarsiers since they are both nocturnal and solitary. After your comment on the food, I looked up Philippine cuisine on Wikipedia, and indeed, most of it was meat based. So the cuisine and the jeepneys (combis here) are both rather like those in Peru--it's not a meal if it doesn't have meat, and the transport is cheap and there's always room for 10 more. Pretty funny!
14th May 2015
Shh...he's sleeping

Trippy Tasiers
Yes very true. I was just touched by how delicate they were. Most of the time here, in Bohol I resorted to flavoured fries and fruit. I did find vegetable dishes in rest of the Philippines, although my selection was limited mainly a cocoanut vegetable curry that I loved. Strangely they don't eat much veg. Like you said for them a meal isn't a meal in some places without meat. I now enter a new place and pray they have a bit of a selection. I love that Indonesia caters for me. Thanks for the heads up, Hopefully I'll find places with kitchens in Peru so I can prepare food myself.
14th May 2015
Shh...he's sleeping

Trippy Tasiers
Yes very true. I was just touched by how delicate they were. Most of the time here, in Bohol I resorted to flavoured fries and fruit. I did find vegetable dishes in rest of the Philippines, although my selection was limited mainly a cocoanut vegetable curry that I loved. Strangely they don't eat much veg. Like you said for them a meal isn't a meal in some places without meat. I now enter a new place and pray they have a bit of a selection. I love that Indonesia caters for me. Thanks for the heads up, Hopefully I'll find places with kitchens in Peru so I can prepare food myself.
10th May 2015

Malapascua Island
Happy Anniversary! We loved our time in Malapascua-- so quiet and peaceful....we loved the sun, the sand, the water, the seafood and the amazing sunsets. We would go back in a heartbeat. They had some great diving.
10th May 2015

We agree Malapascua is a lovely quaint place. Beautiful beaches and a lovely local feel to it too. Yes, we heard diving is really impressive but as we don't dive we took up snorkelling intead which was nice but disappointting. Heard this island was great for snorkeling before the typhoon as well. Thanks Dave and Merry
10th May 2015
Our boat

Happy Anniversary!
What a perfect place to spend your special day--white sands, blue sea, and friendly people at a beach resort. Ah, the good life! An anniversary to remember.
10th May 2015
Our boat

Anniversary in Malapascua
It certainly was. One that will stay with us for a long time!!
10th May 2015

Happy Anniversary The Mikes!
You guys are really making the Philippines seem like an attractive destination. I love your 'warts and all' account of things...I've been sharing some of your stories with Andrew, and so far, the snake in the rice paddies drama is winning. :) Safe travels! x
10th May 2015

Haha, thanks for reading. Same with me, I was reading your blogs for some of my 6 hour bus journey and I had to interrupt Chris while he was reading to recite some of the things that had me in stitches. :)
10th May 2015

Holy Week bloodiness
Even though I grew up in a very Catholic family, this self-flagellation ritual performed during Holy Week seems so totally odd to me. I wonder how much of it is a mixing of local culture into the religion? I had always thought I'd want to see it, but being splattered by blood would be very high on my list of curiosity killers :)
10th May 2015

Holy Week Bloodiness
Yes, we thought the same very unusual for us too, I guess that's why so many people were going to see it. However the thought that they got splattered was enough to make me want to puke. Local Children also revel in these festvities and walk behind the people doing this, covered head to toe in blood. Although it is against the church's wishes most local people we spoke with appear to support this. The thing that gets me most however is the fact that ex-prisoners mainly take part in attempt to cleanse themselves. The fact that they are led to believe this makes me really sad.
9th May 2015
Dusk at Mt Kiltepan

I'm not sure I would have enjoyed the caving tour as much as you. Sounds like a great adventure and bravo for getting up the next day for this sunrise. Simply amazing. Glad you keep finding those great adventures and making memories. Happy travels
10th May 2015
Dusk at Mt Kiltepan

Thanks Dave and Merry. In hindsight it was really dangerous, but at the time we felt safe with our guides and the adrenalin made it more exciting. The Kiltepan sunrise was really special and the hanging coffins and their story was really interesting. Overall we really liked Sagada.
4th May 2015
Finding out what Spelunking actually is

Quite an adventure!
The caving seemed very tricky and fun--glad you had the super-human guides. But ew--the hanging coffins and getting luck from bodily fluids dropping on you as you carried a coffin--yuck! However, glad you had such good company and got up for a great sunrise. Not at all what I thought the Philippines was about.
5th May 2015
Finding out what Spelunking actually is

quite an adventure
It was adventurous, not at all what we were expected either but we definately had a worthehile memorable experience there. Could not have done it without them guides they were soo skilled and the sunrise topped off our stay nicely. Thanks again for reading Tara.
2nd May 2015

Great scheme
Glad you were able to score the tickets so quickly. We loved our time in Manilla but we had Lili Ram a fellow travel blogger as our expert guide. We loved every minute in the country and are eager to go back.
3rd May 2015

great scheme
Wow, sounds like a great experience. I came across another blog before we went who did the same. Sounds like we may have missed out. We meet so many people here who say they hate Manilla. So its refreshing to hear others say different. Not sure if our blog is too negative as it focused on a specific experience where we felt uncomfortable but we did really enjoy our brief time there.

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