catherine crain's Guestbook

5th March 2008

enjoying your blog
Hello Catherine, My mother and I are enjoying your beautiful pictures and your blog. Mother is going to try to add to this on her own, and is looking forward to communicating with you soon. Melissa and Betty
4th March 2008

Gracias Rocio!
Estoy en Buenos Aires otra vez con mis amigos. Fui a la embajada esta manana para arreglar mi passeporte y toda va a estar bien muy pronto! Gracias por tus lindos sentimientos! Besos -- Catherine
4th March 2008

Thanks Pat!
Hi Pat, Great to hear from you! Glad things are going well with your house. When do you and Jim leave for China? Will you do a travel blog? It's really easy and I love reading everyone's comments! hugs, Catherine
4th March 2008

keep smiling...
Hola Catherine, Se que las cosas no van muy bien, pero a pesar de todo, no dejes de sonreir :-) Ojala que pronto tengas una solucion positiva para el problema de tu tarjeta de credito. Lo siento mucho... Me da gusto que andes caminando mucho por todos lados, que estes viajando y pasandola bien a pesar de los problemas de dinero. Sigue adelante, y sigue sacando fotos que me encanta ver todos los lugares que visitas y gracias por pasearme contigo :0) Abrazos, Rocio
2nd March 2008

Yes, it WAS glorious!
Catherine, it's so much fun to relive some of our joint adventures through your wonderful blog entries. We're still having fun in Bariloche, but it isn' the same without you and Dale.
2nd March 2008

Wow, Catherine! This place looks lovely. Great photos! Sounds like you are enjoying the outdoors quite a bit. Horses and hikes and lakes and trees. Must be heavenly! I have missed looking up your blog for a couple weeks (yikes...time does fly), so am delighted to hear you have Dale and Bill and Carol to keep you company after the trials of solo travel. Getting the final paperwork done on my house sale (yup, it went quickly), and then I will no longer be a landlord. I am ready! Enjoy the rest of your stay in the land of the lakes. Pat
21st February 2008

Hola mi amiga, Me da gusto que ya haya llegado Dale! Te ves ahora muy feliz en las fotos. Ojala que ya hayas arreglado el problema con tu tarjeta de credito. Gracias por las fotos y por "llevarme contigo a Argentina" Un abrazote, cuidate mucho, ROCIO
From Blog: LLegó Dale!
20th February 2008

Hi Barbara!
Great to hear from you! We're having a wonderful time. Dale says hi too. Thanks for your encouraging words -- hugs, Catherine
20th February 2008

Thinking of you
Catherine, I'm so sorry to hear about the stolen purse. How stressful! But you are one of the most resilient people I know, and you will prevail over those who would take advantage. Keep on dancing!
19th February 2008

Hi Jo!
Thanks Jo for your thoughts. Having Dale, Bill, and Carol here for moral support certainly has helped my frame of mind! We're all in the same school and see each other before and after school and at "recess." It's really fun! Take care and please give my love to the congregation. hugs, Catherine
19th February 2008

Hi Misty!
Great to hear from you Misty! You're right, it was funny, once I got over being annoyed. I was able to put it in perspective as I wrote about it -- there is something healthy about laughter, isn't there! I did get the card cancelled of course, and I'm not responsible for the charges -- but it cost me $10 or 15 dollars to get it all straightend out on the phone. Crazy! Take care -- Catherine
19th February 2008

gracias mi amor!
Que placer leer tu mensaje! Gracias Rocio por tu corazon de oro! Catherine
18th February 2008

Lo siento mucho mi amiga...
I am SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry about your stolen purse and the use of your credit card! I can not believe the how stupid Capital One people sound... I just can not believe that they did not give a damn about the problem, but instead wer trying to make you more frustrated. SORRY! I hope that by the end of your conversation, you resolved something and that you had the opportunity to let them know about their stupidity. I'll be thinking about you, and hope you can have a new one. Are you ok? Is anything I an help you with? Please let me know... Love you, Rocio Even if you are having these problems, do not forget to smile... you are in Argentina :-)
17th February 2008

From your window, or mine?
Perspective is everything, isn't it? I know it's not funny from your position, and I was (and am) very sympathetic to the frustration these sorts of phone conversations can illicit. I have to admit, though, that the last two lines of your post broke loose from me some amused chuckles. (sending good vibes your way (?)) Things will get better soon.
17th February 2008

Catherine, I'm amazed at how cool you are sounding amidst all this horror! Good for you. And in your last post, we can certainly relate to some of it. Traveling in Argentina and Chile with my daughter who is vegetarian was a real challenge--other than potatoes, they must export every vegetable they grow to the US! She eventually reverted to being "pescatarian" for the remainder of the trip. The trout and seafood was great. Keep being your confident self and have fun, Jo
15th February 2008

Hi Pat!
Great to hear from you! CC
From Blog: El Carterismo
15th February 2008

Catherine, just got a chance to catch up with your blog, and am so sorry to hear about the robbery! I hope you are getting some peace of mind about this. And are able to enjoy the town of Bariloche. Sounds wonderful. I am so jealous of your wonderful tango week. Have a few more great tangos for me, OK? Happy Valentines Day!
From Blog: El Carterismo
14th February 2008

We look forward to joining you!
We are enjoying BA but look forward to joining you in Bariloche. Everyone here at at Casa Maria Tango, smiles when they hear your name!
14th February 2008

Your advice is very helpful
Thanks, Catherine for your advice after your experience in Buenos Aires. Federico accompanied us to the Retiro to get our bus tickets this afternoon after we took a tour of the central city. Our experience so far has been quite good, particularly with Maria Theresa and her family. Getting here was quite a challenge, with snow in Chicago, but we are here and looking forward to classes in Bariloche and all that awaits us. Your description of Bariloche and the School is quite inviting.
13th February 2008

Oh No!
I'm so sorry to hear about the robbery, Catherine. That feels like such a violation. I wish I could send you a hug. I also wish that you could forgive yourself and let it go. Remember, there are LOTS of people who love you and who wish for only good things for you, always. Much love, Barbara
From Blog: El Carterismo
13th February 2008

You Go Catherine!
Hi Catherine, I've been following your blogs with great pleasure, thank you so much for sharing your adventures with the rest of us, please know that you are in my thoughts and I wish you a very happy and healthy time in Argentina!
From Blog: El Carterismo
9th February 2008

Muchas gracias!
Gracias mi amiga! Un abrazote para ti tambien!
7th February 2008

I am so glad that you are dancing and that you were welcome with a trip to the dance floor :-) It is the best way to celebrate and be with friends... Pasala muy bien, y baila, baila y baila! Abrazos, Rocio
7th February 2008

Hey... please do not forget that time is irrelevant in Mexico, Centro America and South America... just enjoy it, wait with a big smile and wait a little bit more :-) The important thing is that "the person is there and/or arrieved" and that you will have a great time... Everything looks so beautiful and peaceful. Lucky you! Big hug mi amiga...
7th February 2008

Muchas gracias
Muchas gracias mi amiga... Me da mucho gusto que estes pasando un tiempo muy bueno por Buenos Aires. Pictures are amazing, thank you! Keep smiling and have fun... I envy you! I wish I can take some time off... I love reading your blog, please keep writing. I truly appreciate it :-) Un abrazote mi amiga!
From Blog: La Costanera Sur

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