The Cat Herder's Gold Rush "Part Trois"

a trip by The Cat Herder and His Wife
From: April 21st 2024
Until: ongoing

Well, Ray said that we would never do this trip again, but here we are packing for it!! You see Raymond and Tom said that they would love to do it, but would never venture on their own. So, being the great parents that we are we said we would do it again. The guys are not use to roughing it in any way, so it should be quite interesting. For those of you that did not follow our earlier trips here is a brief description of what the Great Alaskan Spring Adventure is all about. We will fly into Minneapolis on May 11th, then board a bus that will take us to the Winnebago factory in Forest City, Iowa. We will then settle in our RV's, ours a 31 footer and Raymond and Tom a 22 footer. The following morning we will head off with a final destination of Anchorage, Alaska. We are planning on spending three weeks to complete the trip with a route that will take us through many National Parks in the US and Canada. We hope that you will enjoy following along with us on this wonderful adventure.
Trip Length: 13 days
Blog Entries: 0
Photos: 0
Words: 0
Tot: 0.146s; Tpl: 0.004s; cc: 9; qc: 35; dbt: 0.0506s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1mb