Page 14 of SuzanneandDavid Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island March 27th 2011

Suzanne here... So, we've sadly left the South Island behind, and it's time to explore the North Island. We'd been camping for 28 nights straight in the south, and by rights should have been ready for a motel room. To be honest though, we'd have been quite happy to continue our run in the north. However, Wellington doesn't have any particularly convenient campsites, so we decided to get a motel. Wellington felt like a capital city, the people were all better dressed for one thing (making me feel rather scruffy but hey). It was a Saturday night so we hit the town, mainly on Little Cuba Street. There was more of a buzz than in the smaller towns, but a lot of this was focussed on restaurants rather than bars and clubs. So, we had a ... read more
Wellington Quay
Wellington Museum
Wellington Botanical Gardens

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island March 16th 2011

Suzanne here... As we've established, we do like to selflessly support independent breweries. With this in mind we stopped off in Westport to visit West Coast Brewing. There we picked up a couple of litres each of Green Fern Organic Lager and a wheat beer. Having done our bit, we moved east. The plan had been to go to Hanmer Springs, but passing a free DOC campsite, Deer Valley, on the way we decided to pitch there for the night. We found a nice pitch by a small creek and got the tent up. After a bit of a stroll we were ready for tea, but it started raining a bit so we sat in the car to wait it out.... Two hours later, we were still sitting in the car, eating peanut-butter sandwiches. All plans ... read more
A Whale!
A Whale!
Dusky Dolphin

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island March 5th 2011

David here... The following is basically a brief summary of what we have been up to so far after part 1. Needless to say it is not an in-depth, detailed, day to day journal of our every action, as we are too busy for that kind of information. Needless to say we are having a ball... After the lovely campsite at Riverton we made our way to Lake Monowai, a free DOC campsite that is a little hard to get to, being a few kilometres down a gravel track. We found a sheltered spot amongst the trees and pitched the tent. There wasn't much to do apart from look at the scenery round the lake and relax, which is what we did. The site was quite out of the way and it was our first real ... read more
Te Anau
Upper Eglington
The Chasm - Milford Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island March 4th 2011

Suzanne here... Since leaving Christchurch, we've heard about the earthquake which left such devastation and took so many lives. We were stunned to see places we'd visted now reduced to rubble. We're so very sad for all the people caught up in it, and wishing them love. We picked up our little hire car - a Daihatsu Sirion - from Jucy then headed back to the Riccarton Mall. It seemed to take forever to buy the final stuff we needed for our trip in Christchurch - chairs, table, cooking stuff, food etc. We managed to squeeze it all into the car somehow, By the time we hit the road it was gone 3pm. Our plan had been to drive to Oamaru, but by about 5pm we were still some way away. We really didn't fancy putting ... read more
St Andrews sunset
St Andrews sunset
Seal at the point near Dunedin

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Christchurch February 12th 2011

Suzanne here... We've been looking forward to the New Zealand part of the trip since before we'd even booked the tickets. So we were very excited on our flight to Christchurch. The flight was uneventful and we got the number 3 bus into town which took about 20 minutes. The first thing that struck us was the earthquake damage. We'd heard about the earthquake back in September, but thought things would be back to normal by now. Well, they are really, but there are still lots of buildings that are damaged and too dangerous to enter. Bit of a surprise really, but then it was a 7.1 quake. How nobody died I can't imagine. So far, the climate in New Zealand is suiting us down to the ground. Lovely and warm but not uncomfortably hot. Good ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney February 9th 2011

David here... We got up early in Newcastle and headed out to catch the 10:24 train back to Sydney, stopping off at a nearby Subway to again take advantage of the $7 foot subs - you just can't beat a good Tuna Mayo sandwich. We got the train fine and arrived in Sydney a few hours later. We jumped onto the next train that took us to Kings Cross and the Jackaroo hostel. After checking in and getting our bunk beds made up we headed out to the Art gallery. The museum and gallery was very good, with an excellent range of art from early European stuff to modern Australian artists. After that we walked around the Botanical gardens hoping to catch a glimpse of the resident bat, or more correctly flying fox colony. We needn't ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle February 5th 2011

David here... We got up early on our final morning with the camper van... our camper van as it had become after being our home for the last two weeks. Once packed up, with all the rubbish thrown away and the inside looking spick and span, we made our way back to Cambridge and dropped our home off and then got whisked to the airport. After a cup of coffee we boarded the flight and left Tasmania behind, again like much of this trip, with heavy hearts. We had fallen for 'little Tassie' and were already discussing coming back to do it all again. We landed in Sydney, and made our way to the Central station and onto Newcastle, three hours North along the coast. We felt that seven nights in Sydney was too much and ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Tasmania February 4th 2011

Suzanne here... So, on to Tasmania. We landed in Hobart, and with only a couple of days to 'do' Tasmania's capital, we dumped our bags at the hostel as soon as we arrived and went straight out. Hobart is a lovely place, pretty and laid-back, and we enjoyed strolling around. Fortuitously, there was a free festival on - the Mona Foma festival. Not so fortuitously the first band we checked out were awful. I forget their name, but they played some random free-style jazz that they seemed to be making up as they went along. One of the band said that they 'only became songs when we perceived them as such'. Unfortunately we perceived them to be a load of rubbish, so we left. On our walk we spotted Magic Curries, an Indian restaurant displaying a ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne January 20th 2011

David here... The flight to Melbourne was pretty much uneventful. We had a few glasses of wine, watched Megamind and Toy Story 3 and before we knew it, we were in another country. Our 7th of this trip so far. We picked up our luggage that had successfully made it to us after a transfer in Sydney and headed for the bus into the city centre. We got to the Southern Cross train station and then bam! After dealing with transport systems all over Asia (or lack of them) it's a little ironic that we could not figure out the Melbourne train system at all. None of the screens or platforms corresponded with where we wanted to go. We couldn't buy a ticket anywhere and we just felt a bit overwhelmed with being in the western ... read more

Asia » Singapore January 19th 2011

David here... We got up promptly and got a lift from the guesthouse owner in Melaka to the bus station and promptly bought tickets to Singapore. The bus left within 15 minutes of us boarding. The border crossing was very easy. We all got off the coach and went through the Malaysia exit process, jumped on the coach again and went over the causeway, got off at Singapore immigration, got processed and then back onto the same coach right through to Singapore central. The journey was roughly about 5 hours long and was a breeze. For the first time in a long while as well, we were dropped off right in the heart of the city, in Little India, which was great for us as our hostel was just round the corner. We were staying at ... read more

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