Laura Diodati


Laura Diodati

I am a 24 year old female from the USA trying to figure out my life through travel. I have a weakness for cloudforests and latin dance.

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito September 2nd 2010

So, I´ve been thinking a lot. I have gone over my 3 options many times in my head. Do I go home in less than 2 weeks because I am running low on money and it is the easiest option? Do I leave Ecuador in the next 2 weeks, go to Northern Peru have a great backpack-y time and fly home from Lima? Do I stay in Ecuador go back to Merazonia, hang out in Quito, and visit Otavalo, basically hanging around for the next month and a half avoiding going back to the US? I of course asked my friends on facebook guess what they ALL said? GO to Peru! But I was thinking about the 26 hrs of buses, and traveling by myself for longer, and worrying, and loneliness so I wasn´t positive about ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito August 31st 2010

Went to Latacunga,it was nice. The hostel I stayed at had a self guided walking tour of the city so I got to see a bunch of things I wouldn´t have known about (what Riobumba needed). I met people who I did part of the Quilotoa Loop with. I highlyreccomend it. The 1st night we got a bus to the LuLu Llama hotel in a town whose name I don´t remember. We got a tour of a woodworkers studio. An Italian woodworkermoved to this TINY town and teaches locals the craft. They focus on church stuff, it is beautiful. From there we walked 4 hrs to another town (the name starts with a C I don´t feel like looking them up) Both places were beautiful Quechua communities, very high up in the mountains. I had trouble ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito July 8th 2010

I took a 17 hr bus to Quito, that was hard. It was SO cold in the bus I could not really sleep. In Quito met up with my friend Santiago, it's good to see him after so long. He is now moving to Australia. He is pretty focused on this so his attention can be a little hard to get. I went to Mindo, it is beautiful, but I say that about all cloud forests. It is famous for birding, they have counted over 425 different types of bird in a 24 hr period. Then back to Quito, where I found out my ATM card was used in the us while I was here. Dad has been so helpful dealing with this. I got food poisoning either from the water in Quito or KFC (but ... read more

South America » Colombia » Cali June 18th 2010

Cuidad Perdida Day 1 got picked up just after 9 am the guide is old, overweight, has bad teeth and doesn't speak english. I was initally a bit worried. Our group for the next several days was me, Hils ( who I volunteered with at lost and found) who I then found out has bad knees a bad back and a sensitive stomach, a kiwi guy whos only backpack was a plastic grocery bag with two plastic straps he tied on, 2 spoiled rich guys from Belgium (in one's defense he didn't speak much English so he might have been nice, but the other was annoying enough for both). It was sunny and hot, we spent 2 hours walking up a mountain in midday. It nearly killed me, for most people it wasn't that bad. We ... read more

It is my second to last day in Panama. I have my plane ticket to Colombia and I just heard about a boat going to Colombia. I met a guy who is going on a sailboat strait to the Galapagos , that would be amazing. I am not doing much in Panama City, I am working on my Peace Corps application mostly. The website currently says that to get placed for summer 2011 applications should be in before July 1st. There are rolling applications but if that's what they suggest that's what I'm aiming for. I am not a fan of writing resumes (I know I have old copies on other people computers, but not on mine!) or essays! Anyone want to write them for me or at least edit them? I hung out with Nico ... read more

Went to Pedasi. It was a very cute little town. It has old spanish architecture and a few adobe houses. It is very quiet there. The only tourists go for surfing. We went because Nico has a frined in the Peace Corps there. In peace corps training newbies go visit volunteers at their site for a few days. So I also met 2 people who just joined. If they will make it, I could totally make it. One told a story about this amazing pumpkin soup she had, then when it got to the bottom she saw a bunch of ants. I asked if she kept eating, and she kind of gave me a weird look, the experienced volunteer told her she would get used to it. Today the 5 of us went to Isla Iguana... ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí April 25th 2010

I cant believe I have to leave Panama soon. Really I cant say I have been traveling. I actually feel like I have a semi real life right now. I work 5 days a week (ok work isnt really hard). I am constantly socializing, and I rarely get to be alone, which is nice because I will be alone again soon. Ive become good friends with the volunteer, nico, who has been here longer than me (yes just friends) I will miss having a good friend around. I still wish I had someone to travel with... Maybe Im just getting sick of being single, again. oh well, I have no reason to complain. I have taken up playing poker, Yanif (an israeli card game), and shit head. My foosball is starting to get better too, finally. ... read more

I'm still volunteering at Lost and Found, still in Panama. What can I say living on a mountain in a cloud forest, making enough money to cover my costs is great. I will probably be leaving in the next 2 weeks, but who knows. I've been cooking a lot, it's pretty much all I do there. I think it annoys the owners that I never pay them, they always pay me. I like it. Ok, I check people in and out and carry things up the mountain once in a while, what a terrible life. One day while I was hiking I literally stumbled upon some bones. I was positive it was a raptor... but supposedly dinosaurs are extinct. Ends up it was a dog. I kept some of the bones and boiled the head, it ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » David March 18th 2010

OOOPS I GUESS I FORGOT TO PUBLISH THIS ON THE 18TH: Since last time I write: I'm still at lost and found. An awesome guy names "spider Ray" came to L&F he is an unpaid spider expert for Oxford University, and really awesome. He removed most of a cockroach from someones ear. I didn't have the balls to see a cockfight but I went to the arena and hungout around the cockfight at Gualaca. We got a new volunteer from Vermont and she is awesome. I pulled an awesome meal for 20 out of my ass in 4 hours, no notice. I swam in the Gualaca Gorge. I think I'm leaving L&F around the 28th. It's Dad's Birthday, Happy Birthday Dad! There is La Feria in David, its a big 10 day fair. I'll write more ... read more

Really I haven't been doing much. My days have been consisting of carrying things up the mountain, checking people in, checking people out, hanging out, making food, talking, hiking and some drinking (mom don't read that). I am currently putting together a cookbook for future volunteers and guests of Lost and Found to have ideas of what to cook. I'm also making a feedback questionaire. They are trying to make a new treasure hunt (through the hiking trails) one clue will be written in fake petroglyphs in blacklight paint on the walls of a new building. When the building is ready I will be doing the painting. I'm keeping busy, but it's not the most adventurous part of my journey. I'll probably stay for around 3 more weeks. I'm staying in David for the night just ... read more

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