Dennis Rubi's Guestbook

8th January 2006

Party party party hahahahaha
8th January 2006

Dude, when I read that I felt like I was over there! Perhaps we should travel together next summer. Remember to keep an innocent mind. See how you are over there and see everything as new and beautiful? Well, it is possible to always live that way if one keeps an innocent mind! Simply awesome, now I wanna go to Tailand! Oh, my classes are going pretty fine. Now emotions do not affect me as before. I feel yet I know that they are simply emotions, a creation of thought, an innevitable creation. Knowing that it is innevitable gives me a certain degree of freedom. Freedom that allows me to comprehend the process of thought with all of my attention so that when I feel fear, or anger, or envy, or desire I feel it and that's that! There is no problem! There is only liberty. Love.
8th January 2006

hey man sounds like everything is going good, especially with the training you did before the trip. Who is taking these pictures anyways? Moo?
6th January 2006

mmm tub o' urine
Hi, Babe! You're coming home in 3 days! I know it'll be bittersweet for you, but it'll be absolutely wonderriffic for me. Cuz damn it, I've missed you like crazy. Hope you're having fun still!
6th January 2006

DUDE this entry had me laughing for a good while! HAHA Brilliant. Simply Brilliant! See, there was no reason to be afraid! I've found something for you, friend, to do: "Kratom is indigenous to Thailand and Malaysia where it is used as substitute for opium. ... This is one of the strongest legal hallucinogenics! ..." You have to get some of that Kratom. Just remember to use it wisely. Think of it as an ether or an elixir or such. Perhaps it can even wake up the guardian force inside you!
6th January 2006

i really wish i was with you!...
6th January 2006

CALL ME ASAP!!!!!!!i lost me phone in vegas and i got a NEW ONE!! CALL MEEE!!!!!
6th January 2006

phuket sounds sick. i thought the tub full of water was a taste of the phillipines but reading your entry served me wrong. hold it down kid!
6th January 2006

It's Your kuya frank
hey! sounds like you're having fun there. I didn't you went alone. tsk tsk. Well it's looks like you're doing fine there. And eveyrone is doing fine here. So no worries. Just be careful, and see you soon. Bye bye Francis
6th January 2006

excuse me? width of your hairs?
Keep it coming, I'm glad your ok and met with some friends! Bon Voyage!
4th January 2006

Thaiger upper-cut
Freddie, Dennis is a pally! Looks like youre having a blast with them Thai's. Just thought Id give a merry belated X-mas and happy new year. P.S. Dont get too faded off those cheese burgers... P.S.S Ritz says hi.
3rd January 2006

wow den den! what an adventure you are enduring! i never thought i would see the day where you actually went to Thailand! i mean i remember those days, back in the days, when you would speak of traveling there and doin yo thang and now it's a dream come true. what an inspiration and what a trip! take care of yourself sensei! come back home safe and soon! take care buddy!
2nd January 2006

we need you
hey D Rub, its me, Sam Cassell the clippers team captain, i know ur having fun over there in thaiizzle but we need you back here to root our team on we've been on a slump, looks like you gotta cool stove there guy
1st January 2006

Hey Dennis, this is Freddie. I just read your entry and it seems like you are having a blast, I hope all is well. You are a well trained warrior, maintain your tactics and you will be fine my friend. Call me whenever you have free time. Hey D, It's JT now. Man you're trip sounds like fun, and you've got balls to be going through this all alone pretty much. I'm glad you're making ti through! Keep having fun, and before you know it you'll be eatting a cali burr. in no time. HAHA
1st January 2006

Hey man. School starts the 3rd for me. D: Be sure to ride an elephant while over there!
30th December 2005

Sounds Chill
How was security coming in, did you have to take your shoes off. Teehee anyways sounds like all is good and good luck man, take it all in cause vacations only last so long.
From Blog: Clean
29th December 2005

your flight sounds chill dude. be sure to come back in one piece cuz frankie is starting to creep me out! stay up dennis! take is easy in thailand.
From Blog: Clean
29th December 2005

Dude, remember I told you I booked a flight to Mexico City two days in advance? Well the day my friend took me to the airport he decided to smoke me out so that I would be a "happy traveler" dude! I could barely make it to the plane and half of the flight I was so fucked up, tripping and looking through the windows. I felt like such a junkie when I got there and met the girl for whom I traveled. She took me to this place and asked me to drive in MEXICO CITY while I was anxious and drunk with sexual tension. I think I also went to the bathroom while on the plane while I was stoned. It was a LONG visit to the john as far as I don't recall. Oh well I'm back home and I think I will see you at Mesa next semester for physics 2! I will tell you all about what happened on those brief five days that I was in Mexico City. Trust me I could fill books and books with it. Can't hardly wait to hear from whatever it is you see and learn and experience over there. Lates man.
From Blog: Clean
29th December 2005

LOL. "kinda like marianne's toes" you're funny. Well, your trip sounds good so far. Hope to hear another story soon. Take care D.
From Blog: Clean
26th December 2005

visit my love poems blog on thank you
From Blog: ::sigh::
19th December 2005

There you go, off and away from here.. Yesterday ended too quickly. I seriously thought I was going to get through the day without shedding a single tear. But MAN! I couldn't help it. At first I was really worried about you surviving such unfamiliar territory, but your men and I discussed it, and we concluded that you have the right skills fit to survive Thailand on your own. If anyone of us could do it, it'd be you. You are the CHOSEN ONE. Haha. I miss you Babe. The only thing that gets me down now is the thought of you feeling lonely. So, I hope you meet some amazing people over there and make friends who'll leave a lasting impression on you..but COME BACK. And keep this thing updated.. I can't wait to hear from you tonight. Knowing that I'll get to hear from you soon is the only thing keeping me from breaking down. I miss you so much. Love, Mae
17th December 2005

Be easy at Thailand and bangkok!
From Blog: ::sigh::

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