Ajtak's Guestbook

1st June 2011

that was the name
From Blog: Pictures 2
1st June 2011

wrong animal
could be a peccary: long legs (but peccaries do not show their teeths)
From Blog: Pictures!
1st June 2011

big rabbits
could be Maras
From Blog: Pictures 2
15th May 2011

puerto - puerta... boa viagem!
Ya estas dejando al sol argentino la tristeza acompañando a ti – ya otro día, otro luego, otro momento… y finalmente una poema de Borges: --- Elegía Oh destino el de Borges, haber navegado por los diversos mares del mundo o por el único y solitario mar de nombres diversos, haber sido una parte de Edimburgo, de Zurich, de las dos Córdobas, de Colombia y de Texas, haber regresado, al cabo de cambiantes generaciones, a las antiguas tierras de su estirpe, a Andalucía, a Portugal y a aquellos condados donde el sajón guerreó con el danés y mezclaron sus sangres, haber errado por el rojo y tranquilo laberinto de Londres, haber envejecido en tantos espejos, haber buscado en vano la mirada de mármol de las estatuas, haber examinado litografías, enciclopedias, atlas, haber visto las cosas que ven los hombres, la muerte, el torpe amanecer, la llanura y las delicadas estrellas, y no haber visto nada o casi nada sino el rostro de una muchacha de Buenos Aires, un rostro que no quiere que lo recuerde. Oh destino de Borges, tal vez no más extraño que el tuyo. --- Boa viagem! Bom prazer! Até mais!
From Blog: Puerto Iguazu
24th April 2011

los jovenes
Tja, Meitschi, die Jugend macht mich ja richtig eifersüchtig, aber wart nur, wenn Du dann in Tübingen büffelst, habe ich dann mein Sabattical. Und das plane ich grad jetzt... Götti.
14th April 2011

Period: 1976-1983 > Plaza de Mayo
Today is Thursday! Almost 34 years ago, on Thursday, april 30th, 1977, argentine mothers gathered in front of the Casa Rosada on Plaza de Mayo to fight for the right to re-unite with their children who had disappeared during the Dirty War. Every Thursday afternoon, they circled silently the Plaza de Mayo. They had to walk around since protesting by standing was forbidden. Estoy leyendo la novela "Las viudas de los jueves" de Claudia Piñeiro...
11th April 2011

"El universo (que otros llaman la Biblioteca) se compone de un número indefinido, y tal vez infinito, ..."
Así empieza la narracion "La Biblioteca de Babel", un relato de dos libros de Borges que se reúnen en "Ficciones". En un otra pieza se puede leer: "Bioy Casares había cenado conmigo es noche y nos demoró una vasta polémica sobre la ejecución de una novela en primera persona... Entonces Bioy Casares recordó que uno de los heresiarcas de Uqbar había declarado que los espejos y la cópula son abominables, porque multiplican el número de los hombres... Al día siguiente, Bioy me llamó desde Buenos Aires..." Bioy - amigo de Borges y esposo de Silvina Ocampo - ambos y Borges vivieron en el barrio "Recoleta", donde esta la Biblioteca Nacional de la cual Borges fue director... te acuerdas de Tlön y Funes? Buenas tardes en la ciudad de senderos que se bifurcan...
From Blog: Big Apple
8th April 2011

Hi Katja, I have been reading your blog. Nice to know that you are having some good time down here and yes, let me tell you that you are crazy getting at the sea with 16Cº. Cheers.
From Blog: PhD and Beach
6th April 2011

It's alright...
... and remember Klara Landau, William F. Hoyt... ... and listen to this music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fginS6uhw-8 ms&b&a
5th April 2011

It's alright...
...remember Klara Landau, William F. Hoyt... and listen to this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fginS6uhw-8 Como estuvo la cabalgata? Muchos saludos y besitos.
4th April 2011

cemetery :)
well, the cemetery is impressive: so many huge, special graves. But I wouldn't call it very beautiful. There are 2-3 beautiful ones, the others are - in my opinion - just big. And all the synthetic flowers are just too much. It's interesting to see the different opinions of people... :) another example is Córdoba capital: some (like me) think it's very beautiful, others don't like it at all. However, I've to add that Punta Arenas is the most beautiful southern city I've seen.
4th April 2011

Punta Arenas Cemetery
Ok, I'm late, I was in London watching our boys at the Head of the River Race, and they did well. But my impression of the Punta Arenas cemetery was different. I was quite impressed. Do you have Bruce Chatwin's "in Patagonia" with you? If not, go to the next bookshop and buy it (or download it...)!!!! Götti
4th April 2011

nature and music
Sounds like a nice April beginning in Switzerland! Well, I hadthe April weather in March :-) The reglementation for all national parks is quite strict and they're very clean. I don't know about the aluminium here, but the south is very important for the petrol and gas. I haven't heard local music yet, but in some villages such as Gaiman Spanish might not be tghe first language. Good sailing days!
4th April 2011

wideness : vastedad
I'm glad that you're well. I can't deny that I envy your stay at this coast... After a summerly spring weekend with a nice wind blowing the yngling's sails, the soil is licking april raindrops awaited eagerly... Enjoy your trip to Valdés, to one of the world natural heritage! What about the environment and nature protection - is it obvious? The production of aluminium would be a major industry. And: Is the local music influenced by the Welsh sounds?
3rd April 2011

why I didn't go to Rio Gallegos? 1) yes, I was looking forward to the warm north 2) Rio Gallegos is boring (according to the guide) and not very beautful ( I passed by), there's nothing to see and the park would have been too far 3) and Puerto Madryn is worth the extra day! It's very beautiful here.
From Blog: waiting...
3rd April 2011

wrum hesch río gallegos übrsprunge? ischsdr zchalt dert im süde? dr ferdi magalhães hät sicher fröigha am wätter wo du a sire stras erläbt hesch. mir warte alli gspannt uf di akündete pix ...
From Blog: waiting...
2nd April 2011

Thank you!
Hiya Katja, Thank you for the news of your journey. I found your blog by chance whilst researching South America in for my son who is flying out to Santiago from Australia late April. Best wishes from UK :) Best wishes Ann
From Blog: waiting...
30th March 2011

perito moreno
Gueti besserig i däm fau! Mini vrcheutig isch zum glück zimmlech vrbi. As you can read above, I enjoyed the perito moreno very much!
29th March 2011

Dear Göttimädel I am sitting in front of my Mac and have a heavy cold too... just going through my memories of the Glaciares region and Perito Moreno. Have fun and take care. Martin
27th March 2011

The view from above...
... you're getting today by flying to the very south. I wish you a flight through an azure sky and a happy landing!
13th March 2011

A safe bus trip!
Do have a safe bus trip y buena llegada a Mendoza! Liebi Grüess!
10th March 2011

Espero con entusiasmo leer...
Thanks a lot for your interesting and informative blogentries. Espero con entusiasmo leer sobre qué tratan los dos libros escribidos por mujeres. On March 8th (International Women’s Day), I enjoyed "Mona Lisa Smile": Betty: "The roles you were born to fill" (housewife and mother); Katherine Watson to Joan, the brillant student: "You don't have to choose, you can do both"; Joan: "I would regret not being there to raise them (children). This is what I want". Betty (after about six months of marriage during which she's been betrayed by her husband) reveals to her mother that she is getting a divorce. Betty intend to apply to Yale Law School... Enjoy your big National Park day! Liebi Grüess, elmum
5th March 2011

... ich hoff dass das ned bi allne flüg uf sao paolo so gaht mit em gepäck :D .. mir flüged nämmli über di gliche zwüschestatione wi du... aber es beruigt mich scho mal sehr z ghöre dass susch alles guet gange isch, ha scho fasch chli es unguets gfühl bzw. freu mi eifach ned umbedingt, bald innerhalb vo 5 wuche i ca 12 flugzüg z stiige... naja, hoff dis gepäck chunnt gli füre und finds grad sehr agnehm nebm stress bi MA schribe mal öpis schöns z läse ^^ viel spass witerhin und lern schön portugiesisch ;)
From Blog: Flight & Arrival
3rd March 2011

...for the mistakes etc, I was totally uf dr schnure (dead) yesterday!
From Blog: Flight & Arrival
3rd March 2011

luggage-free isn't always burden-free...
S w e e t d r e a m s ! B o n i t o s s u e ñ o s! T r ö i m s ü e s s! You may dream of some blue thing, weighing about 15 kilo with straps and buckles flying - after some bemusing and nerve-wracking loopings - to Cordoba... Besitos, elmum
From Blog: Flight & Arrival

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