Here's a tip for you..!

February 6th 2017
Published: February 6th 2017
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Tips! And I don't mean the helpful kind. Everywhere you look here there are tip jars. I get it, everyone is working to get a bit of extra cash. But when I'm seeing tip jars in a currency exchange shop and at a 7/11 cash register - you're starting to take the piss!

At what point do you draw the line and say enough is enough. I'm not tipping you for the job you're already being paid to do. The custom here, similar to my experience of America is, you're expected to tip EVERYONE! Cab drivers, bar tenders, tour operators, boat operators and now apparently even the lady serving me at the 7/11. It's ridiculous!

I'm going to be brutally honest here on my view of tipping people, and this is transferable for all countries... I think the only people that deserve tips are waiters and waitresses. That's because during my meal they go out of their way to make my dining experience more pleasurable until I decide I am finished. I begrudge tipping bar tenders who pour me one drink, charge me an extortionate amount of money for said drink and then want another 10% and a pat on the back for their pouring skills. Then repeat again for round two and so on.

The lady who gave me a Thai Massage wanted a tip, you could tell. But I didn't enjoy my massage and she made me feel really uncomfortable so I wasn't going to give her one. Do you know what we did with that tip money instead... we went and bought chicken from a little food stall and fed five little street kitties. Money much better spent in my opinion.

What is this lady at the 7/11 doing to warrant her getting a tip? And at the currency exchange, they're job is literally to take my money and make it look like a different kind of money. How can you possibly deserve a tip for doing that!? The thing is, these tip jars always have money in, whether it's a float to get them started who knows, but I certainly ain't putting my coins in!


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