Ko Phi Phi

March 7th 2011
Published: April 14th 2011
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So we have arrived in Phi Phi, my favourite island in Thailand!!! I was really excited for Ryan to see Phi Phi as I had talked about it so much and really wanted him to love it just has much as me.....and he did.

Checked into Phi Phi hotel, really nice hotel, on top floor end room and had the most amazing view of the island.
Phi Phi is a tiny island, no cars or tuk tuks insight, just locals riding their bicycle's. It has got that real small village feel.
Straight off the boat and we headed to the beach and had few cocktails at this cool little beach hut, this is where we met Jen, Adam (Uk) and David (Brazil) who were to become our island buddies for the next few days. The quiet little beach turned into a full blown party with DJ playing pumping music, fire dancers and buckets of Vodka red bull. It was fair to say we got slightly tipsy that night and ended taking a late night dip in the sea.

We both had a fuzzy head the next day from the cheap vodka/whiskey buckets, so just chilled out on the beach. Met up with the guys again and went for a few beers on the beach front bar shaped like a boat.... pretty cool. Back out to the pub that night for Liverpool vs Man United game.....Ryan was buzzing as Liverpool smashed United 3-1, so on the buckets again!!! :-)

Took a day trip on a Long tail boat out to Maya bay (where the 'beach' was filmed). Along the way we stopped at Monkey Island and fed the monkeys with rotten fruit (yuk) we heard that they are really cheeky and pinch your hat/camera etc... so I stayed well away as not having monkey pinch my Fendi sunglasses. :-)
Next stop was swimming in the most amazing Lagoon, shallow Turquoise waters with tiny fish swimming all around. Then we went snorkeling at Shark Point (cant believe I actually got off the boat) thankfully we didn't see any sharks just hundreds or beautiful multi coloured fish. Ryan had some popcorn so was feeding the fish underwater, thousands of fish covered him wanting a bite of his food.
We then stopped at Maya bay its self, it was actually a little bit disappointing, it was a lovely beach with white sand and clear waters, but you get that everywhere here, we thought it would be a bit more 'special' the Lagoon was much more breathtaking. It probably didn't help that as soon as we landed on the beach the sky went grey and it started to rain, the trip was supposed to end by watching the sun set from the boat, but by this time it had turned into a full blown storm (typical) so we had to get back to shore. Apart from the storm it was really lovely day and worth the 250 baht (apx 5 pound) so all buzzing from the day we invited the guys back to our hotel room for a game of cards and some more buckets. Another pretty crazy night, we went back to the beach party ad partied until early early hours in the morning. Oh and another late night dip in the sea.....my flip flops got pinched (fuming!!) as I find out later this happens quite a lot!

Last day on Phi phi (sob sob) we don't want to leave this island. Few hours on the beach to top up the tan and then another massive storm came with thunder and lightening. Only lasted about 20 minutes and then the sky cleared and the sun came back out. Nice last meal with the guys, said our goodbye's and then early night as leaving to go to Koh Lanta tomorrow.

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