Varanasi and the attack of the ants !!

April 9th 2010
Published: April 9th 2010
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Our first overnight train trip went fairly smoothly although it was pretty crowded but it was really fun, people were passing through the carriage all the time saying 'chai chai' or 'coffee coffee' so it was always quite lively! we arrived into varanasi early in the morning and on time pretty much and were met by our hotel pickup who bundles us into a tuk tuk bags and all and we were zoomed across the city! it was manic and noisy, like all the other cities really but it was a big wake up call that early!! due to the narrow streets near the river and the ghats where our hotel was we had to get out and walk the last 10 minuites - we passed open urinals, cows, lots of rubbish and a dead dog! not the nicest of introductions! but the hotel had a brilliant view of the ganges and the bathing ghats and with all the people washing clothes, or washing in the water the riverside was just a hive of activity and really colourful!!! it was a baking 42 degrees so we kept out of the sun during the heat of the day, unfortunately we had a room without air con and at the hottest part of the day the power blew and the fan slowly came to a stop to which me and cat shouted 'NOOOOOOOOO' forgetting the door was open and we heard several people in the cafe below sniggering! we had an early evening boat ride down the ganges which was really nice, we passed the burning ghats and a funeral was taking place and the pyres were lit when we passed by!! very surreal!!! we had to get a rickshaw back after our meal as the river is off limits in the dark - we were staying at a hotel near the 'Meer Ghat' which caused much amusement and many comments of compare the meer - and we imagined when telling the rickshaw that we needed to go to the meer ghat he would reply 'simples'! :D the rickshaw ride was a mental experience, we were both wedged tight into the seat and we crashed into the back of someone else at one point!!!

fortunately on our last night we managed to catch the evening ceremony at the main bathing ghat which is held every night without fail, it drew massive crowds and opening with singing and chanting with people joining in, then about 8 guys all dressed up to the hilt who went thru several rituals with fire, incense, bells etc and opened and closed by blowing a horn which when you were there was really effective, it felt like a sort of siren call for the city! we both felt we were intruding by being there in a way but it was a great experience!!! on a worse but rather funny note (now, it was not funny at the time) we returned to our room to find an ant infestation taking hold! they had found our food, gone all into cats bag and were in our beds! the curses and squeals began, we went to tell reception and the man who initially came to see it laughed, oh dear, he then returned shortly after with an insect spray and we set to work! it was a black night for the ants when we had finished but we remained on high alert that night and were glad to get out in the morning!!! 22 hours on the train to Haridwar awaits!! were heading north!!!!


10th April 2010

I enjoyed your post. My blog is looking for travel photos, stories, accommodation reviews, and food reviews. If you have the time and have some to share, email us at or check us out at Continued fun on your travels, Eric

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