Getting warmer!

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Asia » Vietnam
December 10th 2005
Published: December 10th 2005
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Hey all,

First the weather report: it is getting warmer again! The sun even came out this afternoon. :-)

Thanks for the comments guys. Much appreciated. Few comment back:
  • Dave, I'm sorry to let you know that I am trying to stay as far away from snakes as possible. The only onces I have seen were very dead and very flat (run over by a truck). If I have a close encounter I would probably run... not hang around to take a picture.
  • Sasja, thanks for letting me know your blog. I'll be checking out your trip to Brazil. You'll love it.
  • All, yes, traveling together is okay. But he is obsessed by getting up the mountains quicker than me so this could become a bit of a problems since there are mountain passes to tackle in the days to come.

    Now, back to travels. I'm in Son La at the moment (all these towns look the same though). I wanted a break so instead of having two easy days, we decided to do one very long day(120k) and then have a days rest. The long ride was great, especially the first half of it (downhill mainly) through rice fields, where ducks and water buffalo hang out. The little villages have mainly Black Thai minory people in them but we also spoted many H'mong(green) and Muong. I am even starting to recognise their traditional clothing. They are very shy of cameras so I have no pictures of them yet (don't want to offen). Another thing which is becoming a habbit is saying HELLO back to everybody I passed. I must have said it hundreds of times each day that I've been on the bike.

    That day of rest is coming to an end. This is good because these towns do not offer much entertainment: there is the market, the Com Pho (little restaurants for lunch and dinner). I could join the sunset badminton game if I get realy bored, but that is about it. I guess the rest is good because tomorrow is the day of the first mountain pass. I'm dreading it but it should be okay. My legs are holding up and my bum is coping. And guide book keeps insisting that the further away from Hanoi I get the more beautifull the surroundings become ('best scenery in Vietnam' etc). So far that has been true... so lets see how far away from Hanoi I get.

    xoxox Fiona


  • 12th December 2005

    Well from a cloudy and cold London I thought I'd say hello. I'm really enjoying reading your entries - I'm so glad that it's going well and that you managed to find someone to travel with (sound a bit like a mother - but hey!). Knowing you Fiona, I have no doubt that you will be leading him up those mountains.. and leaving him behind! Keep well and keep posting those photos, it's great to see where exactly you've been.. Good luck over the next few days I shall be sending you lots of good thoughts.. Lots of love, Carolinexx
    13th December 2005

    hi fi, We are following every step of you're trip (feeling a bit like a stalker). Good to see you're doing ok. Some healthy competition is ok .. win win win.

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