The swapping game

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July 4th 2004
Published: July 4th 2004
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So it was fun in the south but I was getting tired of the south beach bum life. I think if I stayed there any longer, I would of been a permenant fixture at the Great Bay. It's dangereous when you have hammocks all over within an arm reach length.

I checked out of the Primada and went to the Great Bay to say bye to the guys. Phil, Viv, laura and rose asked me to go to chang mai with them, so I agreed. I toke a long ass ferry ride to sari thani, and on the boat decided to change plans and did a run for from the english girls and swapped with a canadian and aussie.

I told katie and anna I meet them at chang mai, we all had different transportation, they toke a bus. As for me, last minute I upgraded my 3rd class to a 1st class for the train. I wasn't feeling too good at this point, must of been something I ate or maybe it was teh SARS kid behind me from the boat ride that kept coughing. But am I ever glad I did the upgrade.
Well it turned out upgrading my ticket i had to get on the train right away so I had to say my good byes to the guys quickly. I went to the front as the ticket said and went on the 2nd cart. And this girl is sitting on my seat so I'm trying to tell her she has my seat. Finally it turned out I was in the wrong cart and she told me to go to the front and it was blocked off by security. I'm like you sure she's like yah yeah so i go there and security let me in and opened the first door and damn man, I got myself a whole cabin to myself.  I was pretty giggly at this point b/c this is the largest space I had to myself. I had everything in here, my own sink, but unfortunately my stomach was killing me from the food poisoning.

It was bloody cold as I didn't know how to work the a/c and asked for 2 blankets. I was in a fetal position most of the night trying to sleep while the stupid lady came knocking at my door asking me if i wanted breakfast every 20 minutes.  I had to tell her no 5 times and then locked my door. Great idea, b/c I locked myself in for a good 15 minutes and I had a #2 emergency coming up. It was pretty much a crazy trip...
Got to Bangkok at 5:30AM and they bang on the door like it was a chinese fire drill. I got all my gear...still half asleep and totally disoriented and walk into the Bangkok train station, then toke a taxi to the airport where I somehow met katie and anna.

We got a plane ticket to chang mai luckily within an hour and now i'm here. I must of caught something from that dumb kid b/c my body feels wrecked. We were goign to do some trekking tmr but we changed plans and will watch spiderman 2 luxery style tonight.

The Night:
I toke a good nap, and katie and anna went to watch SpiderMan 2 with me.  We tried getting the emperor seats but we couldn't.  Get this, they have like a red carpet leading up to the line up when you get the emperor seats, it's pretty funny.  I feel like such a putz trying to order these seats but the girls wanted to try it out.
Spider man of course rocked and this Chang Mai Airport Plaza is like a metrotown but with all thais.  It's weird b/c i'm walking around and I see a body shop but everything is just 1/5 the price.
Didn't do awhoel lot of shopping b/c i was still feeling crappy so I left the girls early and went home...
Tmr we'll head to the butterfly and orchid garden....and soem shopping.


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