After Thailand: A Month Later

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January 18th 2011
Published: January 18th 2011
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I never did do a wrap up blog, but I have thought about it every day since our return. I first want to apologize to the really sweet people who have been following my blog and have left me messages. I have tried to respond back, but this website really doesn't make it all that easy. So for those who have sent me messages, thank you thank you thank you. You gave me a nice warm feeling in my tummy!

Coming home from (no joke, no exaggeration) 48 hours of travelling, I picked up a nasty virus from the person sitting next to me on the final plane ride. He threw up the entire flight from Seoul to Chicago (or at least that is what I think he was doing the whole time he was in the bathroom... it could have been coming from the other end, I don't know). Needless to say, I picked it up and laid on my death bed (well, not quite) for three days. Then, I had to face the reality of work. And work does not take a break while someone goes on vacation, as I am sure most of you have discovered.

It's been a little over a month since we have been back, and to tell you the truth, I am homesick. I miss it so much. We even talked about moving there in the future. All my dreams about travelling to other destinations have kind of went on a back burner because now all I can think about is returning there. Since the plane tickets cost an arm and a leg and an ear or two, we can really only afford to do one trip each year. Do we return to Thailand or do we try a different, amazing place? In a second, I choose Thailand... at least for now. I have my trip bucket list, and I really would like to go to Peru and the Galapagos Islands next. Zach is eyeing Germany and Japan. Both of us though are already talking about when, not if, we go back to Thailand.

What would we do different? I would bring syrup. Zach would go to Pai. We would all visit the same places again, especially Koh Lanta. I would buy more stuff. Zach would stay longer with the elephants. We would do a three-day trek (not involving caves) up north. I would get another tattoo, and I'm sure Zach would too, though he would probably chicken out because his first one hurt so bad (the big baby hehe).

If you are thinking of Thailand or SE Asia in general, please go for it. I can't think of a better trip at this point. Maybe I will find a different destination I will love just as much, but right now Thailand takes the sticky rice with mango... err cake. The places I have been all hold their magic and memories that I would never trade for anything, but Thailand is the one place I could see myself staying in for a really long time.


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