Back in bangkok

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July 1st 2008
Published: July 1st 2008
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So we're back in bangkok after our trip to Hua Hin. Which sadly wasnt as great as we were expecting.

So on our boat ride to get to the train station we met a nice young Chinese boy/man (or possibly from Taiwan, we're not really sure) who introduced himself as "big M" (a unique character as Maggie puts it) Before we got of the boat he asked if "we could be friends" but Maggie politely said that we were leaving bangkok and we had to get going, and we left. Well we arrived at the train station and scout out our food options. And in walks Big M. Who is leaving on the trains as well. We're not sure his original plans but he ended up on the same train as we did to Hua Hin.

The train trip was nothing special, the scenery was great (i have some pictures of it). As it came to a close we were wondering how to tell Big M that we didn't want to spend our day and a half with him. We he got of the train and came to find us though he told us it was time to part (which we thought he was saying it was time to party), asked if we would take him as a gift back with us, and then asked us (not sure which one exactly) to marry him. We all politely declined the offer and found a taxi to our hotel.

The hotel was nice. we were on the 14th floor, and had a nice beach view. For dinner the first night we just walked along the beach till we found someone open. Not great food but not horrible either. We spent the day in hua hin, and on the beach. I got a little burned but not bad. (yes mom i did use sun screen) Our dinner last night was great though. We went to the resort down the beach from ours. One of the nicer dinners we've had on this trip so far.

then after an absolutly horrible breakfast we got on the bus and came back to bangkok.

and now i'm almost out of time. And i still need to check mail

Love you all!

(oh and we leave for Vietnam tomorrow around noon, so we'll see about internet after then)


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