Thailande: De Bangkok a Koh Samui / Thailand: From Bangkok to Koh Samui

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Samui
May 5th 2008
Published: May 13th 2008
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Bonjour! Apres avoir fete a Bangkok mes retrouvailles avec Nicole et Ann-Marie, des bonnes vieilles amies, voici les photos qui en temoigneront... je sais toujours boire et faire la folle... Ca m'a fait du bien de lacher mon fou!!! A present, je reviens tout juste d'un merveilleux week-end a Koh Samui... Ceux qui y ont deja mis les pieds ne pourront qu'acquiescer a mes dires: WOW! Je laisse l... Read Full Entry

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13th May 2008

Wow, je suis tellement contente de te suivre et de voir ces photos. Je pense à toi! Annick xxx
18th May 2008

still miss ya
Hey girl, good to see you smiling in some pictures and having a good time!! It must have been such an event to meet up with the girls!!! well I will emial you soon with all that is new and just wanted to say we are still keeping up with you watching all your travels unfold and I think if you are still abroad in october I will come and meet you wherever you are!!! so we will chat soon love you and miss you tons. julie justin and molly
24th May 2008

Hello from Atlanta
Hi Emilie, Wow your adventure is awsome!!! You sure are experiencing a lot of incredible times and places. I'm so proud and envious of you. Have a wonderful and safe future adventures. Can't wait to have Christa send me the next destination. Love, Angelika
26th May 2008

so how's the journey
Hey Em, Cam and I just wanted to send a quick note saying hello... and wish you were here!! The weathers better and hopefully this/next week things will pick up!! so when are you off to the phillipines? be safe, don't go getting the bends on us!! Cam was wondering if you remember who you called when you were disputing the phone bill... just wondering what organization you went to?? if you remember please let me know! anywho better get back to work!! miss you tons and wish so much I was with you!! love ya, jules xoxoxoxox
9th June 2008

ARE you ALIVE????
He Em, Just wanted to send an quick hello and make sure you are ok... haven't heard from you for a bit so just checking in. You know that I worry!!lol I hope you are loving the Phillipines and that the diving is all you imagined. write soon. love julie
25th June 2008

Bless you!!!
Angelika, I will never be thankful enough for all the love I feel on this trip! Thank you so much for following me, even on my own, I never feel lonely; I know I've got my family and friends taking every step with me. So comforting! Kiss Kiss!

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