Scotland v Wales...Six Nations in Koh Phangnan

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February 8th 2009
Published: March 13th 2009
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Lots of People WatchingLots of People WatchingLots of People Watching

The scots took the front row!
As you can probably tell, Laura and I did a LOT of sunbathing in Koh Samui...looking at the pictures, we look a compleeetly different colour!

Anyway...on advise from man different people, we had booked our accommodation on Koh Phangnan ahead due to the high volumes of people that would be arriving for the full moon party. We had managed to get a bungalow at the Chokana Resort which was half way between the pier at Tong Sala and the party at Haat Rin.

When we finally got to the bungalow, after the tuk tuk driver FORGOT to tell us that we had reached our stop, we were amazed to fin that the woman in Koh Samui had booked us a mansion...not a bungalow.

The definition bungalow to us means, shack in the woods with no hot shower and possibly no floor...this place on the other hand was beautiful and spacious complete with air shower, tv and even a FRIDGE!!

We immediately made a trip to the shop and stocked the fridge with water and cold juice! What luxury! We couldn't understand because due to Western standards...the bungalow was reeeeally cheap! oh well! lucky us!

Of course, the six nation had begun, so after a snooze in our masssssive bed we headed to Haat Rin to find somewhere to watch the aint big in Thailand!

Eventually we found a little bar with crazy decor...they were playing the rugby, soon everyone else discovered it and the place was mobbed! Mostly with the Welsh...what a funny bunch...but very fun to watch the rugby with!

After the rugby we visited the beach to see where the party would be! Little did we know that there would be a massive pre party already on! The beach was mobbed with people and the whole coast lined with make shift bucket bars...oh dear! we danced lots and lots!

Later in the night we met some thai children who challenged me to some skipping and thai boxing...i accepted! haha! they then tied me up and asked for money....they had been so sweet before!

After some more dancing on the sand (which is pretty tiring on the legs) and of course the meeting of more random travellers...we headed home to the massive air conned bungalow for some zzzz!

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Tom JoneTom Jone
Tom Jone


A fellow Scot

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