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January 20th 2009
Published: January 30th 2009
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Khao San Road, Bangkok at night.
Bangkok is the dirtiest city I've ever been too, however it's the craziest and coolest city in Thailand. Upon arrival at the airport we took a taxi down to the infamous Khao San Road in Bangkok. This is a backpacker haven with little stands every 5 feet trying to sell you t-shirts, pirated dvd's, jewelry and food. You constantly get approached by locals asking you if you want to go to a ping pong ball show (use your imagination or google it). There are food stands with fried maggots, grasshoppers, giant cockroaches and other unidentifiable things. I didn't indulge, however I did watch some others eat the giant cockroaches. I guess my problem with the situation is not so much the eating of the cockroach, it's where they found the cockroach before they cooked it. I promise, if you've ever been to Bangkok you would realize that the concern is real. Bryan and I located a hostel right off of Khao San, checked in and headed out to find Kailie. We walked up and down the road for awhile looking for her with no luck so we found the place she was staying and was able to meet with her there.

Kinda sad that this must be advertised!
From here on out it would be the four of us traveling together. Myself, Bryan, Kailie and her friend Maren from Norway.

Our hostel was about what I would expect considering the appearance of Bangkok. The floors and walls were cement and I'm guessing some shade of white at some point in the distant past. There was a yellow light which gave the room that extra creepy vibe and the shower and toilet were combined into one. The other feature that gave our room character was that some genius made the drain in the bathroom higher than the actual floor so needless to say there was constant flooding, it's funny how gravity works! All this was setting us back 350 baht per night, which is roughly $11 per night so $5.50 each, so I guess you get what you pay for!

On a side note, I'm just going to throw this out there so it doesn't get leaked by someone else...... I lost 20 baht in a short lived thumb war match with an 11 year old schoolgirl, I'm not proud of this but seriously, what other city in the world would that happen in?

Here are

First Tuk-Tuk ride!
some of the prices converted into US currency:

Liter of Bottled Water: .14 cents
Chicken Pad Thai at Dinner: $1.28
1 Night at Hostel: $8.50/2 people = $4.25 per night
6 hour bus ride: $7.00
10 hour train ride: $7.75
One Hour Online: .85 cents

So, as you can see it's pretty inexpensive to live over here!

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So many.

30th January 2009

Your Bangkok Entry
Hey hermano, I am LOVING your entries. Please keep writng and posting pics. You are freakin funny! I knew this already, but I am really enjoying reading about your experiences. Oh, and I chose to use my imagination rather than googling "ping pong show" cause you know, I am at work on school computers. Love you so much. Be safe and HAVE FUN! xoxox

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