I'm an Englishman in Bangkok

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November 3rd 2007
Published: November 3rd 2007
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Bangkok has certainly been an experience

First day, first con
I can write this in comfort as I sit in Chiang Mai breathing cool fresh air that i will not rsh back to bangkok. Its not that we haven't enjoyed ourselves cos we did, it's just been absolutely manic all the way! First we were ripped off by the cab at the airport (apparently as standard), then we were told all the wats we wanted to see were

closed today, special day tuesday, today bhuddist holiday

by an apparently friendly local. We then got a tuk tuk (for free as it was bhudda day) and preceeded to a few wats (yeah I thought they were closed too), then we were taken to a very special tailors, then to a travel agents, then to another travel agents! then to another wat - then... we were ditched but our tuk tuk driver. Luckily we had our trusty Groovy map - very much recommend this to anyone going to bangkok as it not only lays the city out straing from the bag of snakes it is, but also has tips and a short guide. It's been invaluable while we've been here and enabled us to really explore places on

foot we really wouldn't have found, or wanted to find in some cases - but its those places that remind us of how far from home we are.

Jet lag - What Wat next?
Unfortunately we've both of us been suffering from jetlag, its 7hrs ahead here which is really throwing us off because it feels right to sleep at about 7/8 in the morning when we should be leaving for our site seeing. Although it had its advanytages - we had breakfast at 5am local time and saw the dawn break from a chilled out cafe/bar just off the khosan rd. heard the many cockerels cry and laughed while american tourists ran in fear of all too present RATS! They're bold as brass and peep up from sewers on the walkways... in flip flops not nice! the food has been excellent so far and very cheap, although we're now saving money having enjoyed ourselves a little too much, but eating from stalls on the street ahs been even better as we've made friends... see photos.

We've also covered what feels like the entire city (from flower markiets to chinatown, kick boxing that we didn't reach and more bloody temples than you'd think exist. I've had my fill and I think Ell did along time ago so we're not going to chase any more wats - but just to say must sees are; temple of the reclining bhudda, grand palace complex and the temple of the dawn... don't bopther with others. China town is really different and vast, the thieves market was cavernous (see video if I manage to put it up) and using the river system to get about was really one of the most enjoyable experiences!

Sleeper to Chiang Mai
Was agian an experience... not sure I'd compare it to business flatbed and of course being new to this, we booked thge cheap tickes - never again, for the sake of a few bhat you get about 2ft less space, and in a coutry built for er, how to say... the vertically challenged, this is essential for those over 5ft 4in! And equally when all you have to cosy up tyo is your backpack... not the most comfortable c ompanion. Top tip get the lower bunk and don't eat the food (which they only offer westerners because a) its terrible and b) its a rip off!!!

Arriving in Chiang Mai, although it was raining was such a nice feeling - like arriving in darwen after a long drive the fresh air was a tonic for our restless night's sleep. Can't wait to go for out trek through the jungle and visit the hill tribes, elephant rides and bamboo rafting -expect lots of photos!


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