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January 27th 2008
Published: January 27th 2008
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corporate banquetcorporate banquetcorporate banquet

corporate chinese mamma mia...hella scary
...just what the hell is up with rosalind these days (or marie, if you're from my prehistoric days), here's a brief update.

i went to this chinese new year banquet for hess, and i was terrified. i'm working for a corporation, and it took six months to hit me. my goal in life was to never go corporate, and i've already given in at the age of 22. depressing.

so i've got a new job. i really had been looking for something that would start in august, when my contract was up, but then i saw this ad on tealit...

washington high school had an honest-to-god language arts position open starting right after chinese new year (new semester and all). i couldn't resist...i didn't even bother emailing. i just called, and ten minutes after i saw the ad, i had an interview. two days later, i had the job. i start in two weeks.

so i did the math. moving would be cheaper than paying for an entire tank of gas every day for a month (even on my pathetic little 90cc). so i went back to tealit and found a woman who was looking for a roommate, dirt cheap. she lives in section two on wenxin rd near taizhong gang, for all of you in the taichung area. a really sweet deal. the room is tiny, but how often do i really spend at home? and there is a living room to escape to. i might even take over her lease after she leaves in six months...who knows. helluva week.


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