Blogs from Sri Lanka, Asia - page 130


Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Nuwara Eliya October 18th 2008

We got up to the dawn chorus and headed off to Nuwara Eliya for two nights. Sandra, Karen and I headed off to the mountains to try and cool off. The drive was beautiful, the scenery was out of this world, so tranquil yet in its own little way, so busy - watching the tea pickers at work and the children selling flowers on the side of the road, chasing our car to make a few rupees. We did actually buy some on the way home for our Sri Lankan mum. As we arrived at our hotel, The Glen Dower we were just in awe - the flowers, the buildings, the weather - it was if we had stepped back in time. It was how I imagined England would have looked some 100 years ago. The ... read more
Penny For Them?
Glen Dower Hotel
As we arrived

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Hikkaduwa October 16th 2008

At the pre-school for the past couple of weeks they have been practising for their end of term concert. They practice all morning, everyday. Its good to practice, but the concert isn’t until the first week of December! They practice from 9-12 sometimes they stay later, until 2.30pm! That’s an immense amount of practice! The songs are stuck in my head all day, and don’t even know what the words mean as all the song are in Sinhalese, apart from the finale, which is que sera sera. I’m looking forward to the concert, it will be good but I’ve got another 6 weeks of practice to get through yet. I could do the concert by myself, with my eyes shut by that time! Last week at the pre school a coconut fell from a tree ... read more
Anu, a naughty boy from the pre-school!
the Alms Givng Shrine
boiling milk ritual

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa October 13th 2008

I have returned to Sri Lanka, having visited as a tourist , a few years ago. Something drew me back to this beautiful island and I'm sure it was the people. I am living in Polonnaruwa with a host family who are adorable, friendly, so accommodating and nothing is too much trouble for them. Work wise I am working in a girls orphanage. They are aged between eight and nineteen and we are with them to teach them English, help them clean, play and generally spending time with them which is an absolute pleasure. The orphanage is set on the edge of a reservoir and they have a vegetable garden and go to school everyday. Their enthusiasm for learning is a joy and their laughter and sense of fun infectious and also humbling. I have ... read more
Geethani and Ranjith
Monk taking shelter from the sun
school carnival

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Hikkaduwa October 6th 2008

Claire arrived on Monday…she was supposed to get here at lunchtime but didn’t arrive until nearly midnight! Her flight was delayed about four times and she was stuck in Kuwait!! On Monday at the pre-school we had an “English Day”. We did some activities typical to an English pre school and made cucumber sandwiches! The little ones didn’t really like them that much! As I circulated the classroom they kept spitting them out and holding them out for me to take with a look of disgust on their faces!! They scoffed the bread though! The older ones and teachers seemed to enjoy them more though; only one or two got rid of their cucumbers! On Tuesday I left Claire in bed as she was knackered - she had not slept for over forty hours! I ... read more
enjoying cucumber sarnies!
me and my SL mum Kumudu
me and claire on opening day

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Sigiriya October 5th 2008

Another early morning start, mainly to beat the heat, and the crowds, Gill, Sandra, Katie and I, joined by our Sri Lankan family set off for the day. Our first stop, Sigiriya, which is the best preserved city centre in Asia from the first millennium, with all its buildings and gardens with their trees, paths and water gardens. Actually climbing to the top of this rock was so rewarding. When I saw how many steps I had to climb, I thought oh no, not a chance, but once you get going it does get easier, and to actually reach the top was fantastic, the views were spectacular. The worst part was having to climb a metal spiral staircase to have a look into some caves which the most spectacular wall paintings. The whole thing consists of ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Galle October 5th 2008

Well we have just returned from a very very lazy long weekend in Sri Lanka. So lazy in fact that we didn’t even leave the front doors of the hotel resort that we were staying in. We decided to take a little trip to celebrate the end of Ramadan (Eid) and booked a little package holiday to Sri Lanka. Being the wimps that we are we couldn’t bear to go economy and had to book business class fares again. And the hotel was called the Fortress Resort. This was in a town called Galle. Now when I looked up the location of this on the Sri Lankan Tourism Website it said that Galle was 1.5 hours away from Colombo, where we were flying into. However that must be as the crows flies or as the Ferrari ... read more
The Fortress Hotel
relaxing by the pool
Gorgeous sunsets

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa September 28th 2008

This why I came to Sri Lanka to offer a "Hand of Hope". I arrived in Sri Lanka on the 31st of August - it was a hard decision for me giving everying up to come over here and try and help out in some of the orphanages here. It has been quite an experience, back home I dont think any of us have much idea about how these children actually live. In the first orphanage, it was Gillian McAlister, Katie Chester, Hannah K and myself, that went to Pollonaruwa, their days were always the same, up at the same each day to prepare for school, come home at the same time and have lunch, then.......what do we do until bed time, other than do our homework and play? play with what is the question, they ... read more
Pollonaruwa Orphanage
Lakvasi Balika Niwasa Orphanage
Pollonaruwa Orphanage

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Hikkaduwa September 28th 2008

I had to go to Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital city on Thursday. My tourist visa was nearing the end so I had to go to the Department of Immigration for it renewing. Another ex-pat, Danny, who lives in Hikka too, also had to re-new his so we went together. I met Danny outside Neela’s at 7am and we got the bus to Colombo. It takes about 2.5-3 hours (no timetables here, they just turn up when the please, but then I suppose that isn’t so different form the UK!). You can get two types of buses up to Colombo, The A/C bus or the Express. Danny and I just decided to get the first that arrived. Big mistake!! The A/C bus is pleasant and small and relaxed. The Express is like being on a rollercoaster and ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa September 27th 2008

Having left India and now in Sri Lanka I just wanted to pause for thought before I tell you about this next leg of the journey. Every now and again on my journey I'll be walking along and I'll forget where I am until I see something that reminds me of which place I'm in. In India this has happened a few times, until I look up and see a cow in the middle of the road or walking along the beach! At first these things are a novelty or, like the poverty, a bit of a shock and then after a while you start to ignore or get used to these images. However I never want to feel comfortable or use to the sight of a child being fed off of the road from ... read more
Of course you can fit four in the back of a tuk tuk!!
Leaving the old people's home
The lone helmet

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Hikkaduwa September 16th 2008

Well I know it’s been longer than a week since my last update, but I’m so busy with work and exploring I’ve not got round to it!! Here it is though!! I’m learning more and more about the Singhalese people. They are so different to English people! They seem so relaxed about everything, it’s very much a Manana culture - I suppose it has to be in hot countries, or are the Brits just uptight??!! People hardly seem to do any work - and that’s the ones that do have jobs!! When you walk down the street or pass the shops on the bus, people just seem to be sat around on their doorsteps having a good old chin wag!! You can be waiting in the bank for an hour as the person in front is ... read more

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