Blogs from Hanam City, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Hanam City January 9th 2007

Seeing as how I'm on vacation at the moment I have decided to spend a bit of time hiking and wandering around my local mountain (the famous Kumdansan - people come from all over Korea to check it out.... or so I heard!). I went there last week one day and got some pretty cool pictures, but I've also been up there today and it was SO much better! Why? Because there was snow!!!! I've found a new route which starts at the bus station. This requires a 10 minute bus journey from my house to the end of the line, and the old adjosshi driving the bus today was getting more and more concerned as the bus emptied out the closer we got, leaving just a lone foreigner on board! As we pulled up to ... read more
Mountain trail
On my way up
Snow-capped tree

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Hanam City November 28th 2006

So November comes to a close, and Winter is definitely starting to make its presence felt here. The temperature has gotten pretty cool, and the coat, hat and scarf that I've recently gotten are coming in very useful. No sign of the snow yet, but I'm sure its coming soon. School is starting wind down too, the students have their final exams starting next week so are all frantically preparing for them. The textbook material is basically finished now, so its just a case of trying to keep them interested for the remainder of my lessons. I'm getting pretty excited now because I don't actually have too much teaching time left until I leave. Sure, its another five months, but I think this time is going to go very fast. It breaks down like this: 1. ... read more
Weird art in Insadong
Warhol Insadong

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Hanam City November 19th 2006

Well here's my first entry, in my first blog! Its pretty bloody exciting to be honest, but not haf as exciting as I'm hoping the next 12 months will be. At present, I'm working in a middle school here in Hanam, teaching English to some crazy kids. I don't wanna spout off about them too much here, all I really want to say is that they can be absolutely lovely, but they can be little horrors too.... So I've been in Korea for 6 months already, and my present contract finishes on May1st 2007. My plan then is to fly one-way to Bangkok (courtesy of my lovely employers here) and spend 2-3 months in SE Asia if my finances allow. I don't want to spend too much time in Thailand as I have been there twice ... read more

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